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Taehyung felt like the room was standing still for a moment after his secretary finished her sentence?


"HangukEO called, they'll be sending over a first draft of the contract for you to look over."

They...she...he felt immense relief flood through his body as he ran his fingers through his hair. He'd done it. He'd done it.

He chuckled, thanked his secretary, and continued to his office, sagging into his office chair. He stared at his desk. Jin said it was impossible but...he'd done it. He'd saved it.

He truly did regret the message he'd communicated to her. Would he mind sleeping with her? No. But that wasn't what he'd been saying when he sent those flowers. And...she understood. He hoped. Otherwise the deal wouldn't be back on.

They were going to be partners now. He took a deep breath. Y/N was off-limits. He wouldn't even breathe in her direction if it wasn't business-related. He would communicate the absolutely highest most-possible version of respect he could.

He needed this. And honestly, he did kind of see where she was coming from. In his early years he'd faced somewhat similar attitudes, people assuming he wasn't a hard worker and everything was handed to him. With time, he'd put all the doubters to bed. But he didn't have to worry about getting felt up by potential business partners at parties.

It took a couple minutes before he had strength in his arms again but when he did he picked up his phone to call Jin. It was time to gloat...slightly.

And then get on the deal as quickly as possible and get it signed so he couldn't accidentally futz it up again.

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