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                             wasn't a big deal, she knew, but her hammering heart made her feel like it was. Taehyung had picked a coffee shop, early in the morning, halfway between each of their offices. Just a little meet up, to see each other before work.

But she was here and he was not. She checked her phone again. No text. She looked around the street again. She hadn't ordered coffee yet, she'd wanted to wait for him...

"Hey." She felt relief flood her veins as she turned around to see him, in a beige trench coat, hair carefully styled, looking her up and down and watching her face carefully.

Taehyung was pleased to see that she'd dressed up slightly more than normal. It made him feel important to her.

"Hi." His arm was around her waist before she knew it, gently guiding her into the coffee shop.

"So....I haven't actually been here before."

"Me neither."

"I guess it's a first for both of us then." He smiled reassuringly at her but frowned when he saw her smile not reaching her eyes. He leaned in right before they reached the cashier. "Don't stress, Y/N. It's only coffee. We know each other pretty well...actually intimately..." His voice turned husky and seductive on the last word and she turned and gave him a look. He was grinning wickedly.

"Kim Taehyung..." She started disapprovingly but was interrupted by the cashier. He kept grinning. He didn't like how nervous she was now. They were still friends. That's what a good relationship was built on. He needed to distract her. And now she was focused on scolding him instead of wherever her fears had taken her before he came. He'd seen her face when he walked up. She was skittish. His dad was right, take it slow.

At first they talked about their work schedules and what they had coming up, including the government function they were attending next week. But after a bit she grew quiet, pensively staring out the window, not even drinking her coffee anymore.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, following her eyes out the window. She didn't appear to be looking at anything in general.

"Where's this going?" She said, after a bit of silence had passed. He furrowed his brow.

"What? Where? Who?" He knew perfectly well what she was asking but he wanted her to spell it out to be sure. She looked at him, straight in the eye, and he gulped slightly. This was the Y/N he knew and damn she could be scary, especially when negotiating.

"Us? Where's this going?" It was his turn to avoid eye contact and look down at his tea.

"Well tonight it could go to my bedroom...."

"Taehyung." She said firmly. He smiled slightly.

"Sorry. I mean...I wouldn't mind that...but I know what you meant." He took a deep breath and leaned forward, looking her in the eye. He needed to just say it straight, with her he knew there couldn't be any surprises.

"Well....if I have it my way....I'll see you every morning at this coffee shop. And we'll go to each other's events so I never have to worry about someone else touching you. We'll go through everything together and that'll make us closer. You'll meet my parents. And then one day you'll move into my place so I can wake up to your face every morning." He reached out and took her hand, listening to her breath hitch. "I don't know how I'll do it....yet...but eventually I'll put a ring on your finger. No rush. And....we'll just live life." He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, thinking about his dad. "And, of course, sometime we'll have to have kids. Because my father won't leave me alone until we do." He looked up and was relieved to not see a panicked look on her face. He brought her knuckles up to his lips, keeping his eyes on hers. "How does that sound?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why does Mr. I-Only-Sleep-With-A-Woman-Once-Maybe-Twice suddenly want to commit to one woman?" She asked, point-blank, as he kissed her knuckles.

"Don't you remember what I told you at the party? I love you."


"Well, unfortunately, there aren't a million women like you, so I have to settle for just sleeping with you at night and leaving you for work in the morning. Rinse and repeat."

"Wow, you really know how to sell this whole commitment thing." Internally though, she liked what he was saying. She liked that he wanted her. "You're not going to try to control me, Taehyung-ssi?" She asked, withdrawing her hand. He gave her a puzzled look.

"Why would I destroy what I love? We can't have a partnership if I control you."

"I like your analyzing skills."

"So what do you say?"

"About what?"

"Are you okay with what I just outlined? You won't freak out on me and I'll wake up to find you gone? You'll at least tell me if..." His heart skipped a painful beat. "...if you can't take it anymore..." She looked down, not replying. Taehyung felt his heart start to sink. No, no, no....don't let this scare her his complete surprise she leaned across the table, hooking her fingers under his coat collar and pressing her lips to his.

"I'll tell you." She murmured into his shocked mouth. She moved to sit back but his hand quickly slid up behind her neck, prolonging the kiss. He heard an ahjumma behind them clear her throat and mutter disapprovingly but he ignored it. This was the 21st century. People kissed. It was the first step towards bringing his generation into existence. Get over it.

"Do you remember him?" The thought suddenly occurred to him as he broke the kiss and held his lips a hairs-breadth from hers.

"Mmmm?" She looked slightly dazed.

"Did I erase him?" She nodded slowly and he smiled, kissing her again. "Do you want me to do it again?"


"You remember my address right?" Her eyelids were hooded, she was thinking. She wanted him to make her feel everything she had that one night again. He was hers now, right? She should be able to, without any fear.


"Should I expect your company tonight?" He remembered his dad's words about moving too fast but for crying out loud...they'd already slept together...

"Yeah." She whispered. "I think you should."

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