Moment of Crisis

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He was an absolute gentleman, he let her fix herself up and head downstairs first. He knew she'd get out of there, go home and think. He was counting on it. A few buttons on his shirt had ripped off and he didn't bother buttoning the rest. He knew everyone in the party would've seen her walk down those stairs. How could they not, every guy everywhere was always watching every move she made.

He gave her enough time to leave before slowly descending the stairs himself, letting people stop and stare. Put two and two together. Glance towards the exit. He was sending a message and everyone knew it. I did it. She's mine. Touch her and you'll regret it. He smirked at the glares he got from the men in the room, except for his friends. Jimin and Jin looked at each other and he cocked an eyebrow at them. He saw them grin and high-five each other. He'd murder them both later for all the crap they'd put him through the past couple weeks.

"How'd you do it?" The son of a man who was friends with his father cornered him before he could leave. Taehyung shrugged.

"I didn't do anything. You can't make her do anything she doesn't want to do."


Her bag dropped as soon as she made it through the door and her knees followed a second later. What did I just do. She covered her face with her hands. Power. Everything was about power. Everything was transactional. She had always made sure she was on the winning end of it, never owing someone more than she could repay.

Until the wedding night. Until she hadn't been able to protect herself. And suddenly everything was off-kilter. She owed someone a lot. She was still trying to work through the feelings of helplessness and anxiety that had been brought up by that incident. The feeling of fear that raced through her veins anytime there was an unexpected touch or noise. She had felt guilty for just dropping off the face of the planet but she hadn't entirely been sure how to face the men who saved her or how to handle it. She hadn't wanted them to see her weakness.

And now...

Now she was vulnerable. She had been weak. She'd confessed. She'd let him ravish her and she had enjoyed every moment of it, even while her head screamed at her to get her emotions under control and think straight. Her mind played out the passionate scene over and over again. It made her body crave more. But she couldn't, she couldn't lose control...

She was out of control. She was cracking. Breaking. The neat facade she always put up to protect herself, to keep others away, to force others to respect her, it had shattered under the tantalizing fingers and kisses of Kim Taehyung.

You liked it, she accused herself. Well, so fucking what? Of course she liked being in the arms of a man she knew wouldn't hurt her. What reasonable human being wouldn't? But she didn't get to be human. She couldn't be weak.

And she had been very weak.

"I really fucked up." She whispered to herself, tears streaming down her cheeks. I can't like him. I can't have weakness.

No matter how much it hurt, the past was the past, and she had to move forward. The important thing was to do things right from now on.


Taehyung blew out a frustrated breath and ran his fingers through his hair. Goddamnit, Y/N. She didn't respond to any of his texts or phone calls. There was this complete wall of silence.

At first he had been relieved. His confession hadn't been rejected. And she'd confessed too. So now....why was she ignoring him? He didn't want to just fuck and leave but her behavior was making it so he couldn't do any follow-up. He realized it was probably a lot for her but...they needed to talk.

He was busy. But he decided for lunch he was going to stop by her company. If she wouldn't answer his texts or calls then he'd see her in person.

They had a government function celebrating their achievement soon. It had been put off because of her attack but they had to at least be on speaking terms by then.

And hopefully more.

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