Chapter 31: Something is Wrong

Start from the beginning

"Come on, Star. Let's go talk in your room," said Royal Moon, holding a hand out for Starlight.

Starlight looked at Royal Moon. Her cheeks were visibly wet with tears. It was clear that she was upset by the memories contained in the room. She walked out of the room and closed the door. As the door clicked back into place, the spell locking it, returned.

Meanwhile downstairs, Sunset was thinking about Royal Moon. It was hard to believe she was a friend of Starlight's. Starlight had neglected to mention her to anyone, to Sunset.

Pinkie Pie could see that Sunset was lost in thought. She got up off the couch and walked over to Sunset. She sat down, next to Sunset.

"What's on your mind, Sunset?" asked Pinkie Pie.

Sunset glanced up at her friend. She knew Pinkie Pie meant well. But she wasn't in a mood to share her thoughts. Sighing, she rested her hands on the counter.

"It's just Royal Moon, Pinkie. I can't believe Starlight never mentioned her," replied Sunset.

Pinkie Pie gave Sunset a small smile.

"She may have had her reasons," said Pinkie Pie.

"Maybe." was all Sunset said as Pinkie left, heading back to living room.

Trixie, who had been sitting quietly, got up. She was a few steps from the door when a voice stopped her.

"Hey, where are you going?" asked Sunset.

Trixie spun around to see that Sunset was standing behind her. It made her gasp. She wasn't expecting Sunset to be right there.

"I am heading home. You are obviously busy, and besides, the great and powerful Trixie has to practice her act," replied Trixie.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. She didn't quite believe Trixie's excuse. But instead of arguing over it, she decided it was best Trixie left.

"Okay. Guess I will see at school then?" asked Sunset, opening the door for Trixie.

"Yeah, you will," said Trixie.

Sunset watched as Trixie walked out the front door. She closed it slowly, not wanting to disturb her friends. As she closed the door, one thought crossed her mind. What knife did Filthy Rich stab her with? She looked down at her abdomen as her hand instinctively touched the wound.

A few hours later at CHS, Filthy Rich stirred. He felt groggy as though he had been drugged. A strange feeling ran through his whole body. It felt as though electricity was flowing through him. He looked down at his chest. In his chest was the metal pipe Diamond Tiara had stabbed through him. It was pulsating at the same pace of his heartbeat.

"What the-? How I am alive?!" shouted Filthy Rich.

He tentatively reached out his hand. As he touched the pipe. He could feel the solid metal which had been warmed slightly due to his body heat. He yanked his hand away, shocked. This couldn't be possible. The staff had been destroyed right? As he thought about it, he figured that the staff could possibly have granted him and Starlight the ability to withstand any weapon.

Filthy Rich grabbed the pipe again. He gave the pipe a small tug. It pulled against his skin and clothes. As the metal rubbed against the raw skin, a stinging sensation occurred. His breathing became heavy as the pain level increased. He shook his head. This pipe had to be removed. After a few minutes of pulling, the pipe was freed from his body.

He tossed the metal pipe aside. The pipe hit the pavement, clanging, and ringing as it hit the concrete. Filthy Rich covered his ears. Once the pipe settled, he removed his hands off his ears. As he looked at his wound, it was already beginning to heal.

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