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"you might hate me after i tell you this but i need to say it"


i woke up to the sight of symere curled up against me, sleeping peacefully. his purple dreads fell messily over his face, and his tiny body was draped in one of my t shirt, heaving up and down softly with each breath.

he looked almost angelic - even though this is symere we're talking about.

i laid there and just watched him sleep for a while, taking in his beauty as he snuggled up against me. it might sound creepy, but as i laid against my headboard, i felt as though i could watch him sleep forever.

not too long after i woke up though, symere began to toss and turn under the comforter, before his lashes parted and his eyes fluttered open.

symere sat up and let out a soft yawn, stretching out as he did so, before turning his attention to me. "morning jordan."

"good morning baby," i responded, a smile forming on my face just from talking to him. "did you sleep good?"

he nodded. "i mean...after the way you fucked me i had no choice. you basically k.o.-ed me," he rasped out with a chuckle.

i had no choice but to laugh at that one, "sy stopppp," i gently pushed him as laughed softly.

he shrugged. "what? it's the truth. between that and the concert, i'm surprised i can even move, i'm so tired." he emphasized his fatigue by collapsing his upper half back onto the bed and letting out a loud dramatic yawn.

i ruffled his dreads and kissed his cheek. "you silly baby."

"aye, can you show me where the shower is?" he changed the subject. "i feel musty."

"second door to the right. towels and washcloths are right across from there," i answered as he hopped up from the bed. "you need anything else?"

"unless you plan on getting in the shower with me and washing me yourself, nah, i'm good," he insisted as he began to walk off to the bathroom.

as tempting as that offer was, i just laid on the bed and watched his ass as he walked away, before getting up as well and checking my phone.

after i confirmed that my phone was drier than miles' stale ass braids, i set it down on my nightstand and i was about to go join symere in the shower and hopefully have round two, but just as my phone hit the nightstand, it started ringing.

i took a quick peek at who was calling and saw that it was shayaa. i sighed and cursed under my breath and i reluctantly answered the call.

i really didn't want to talk to him. we weren't really friends anymore, especially not after that awkward ass talk where he kept pressuring me to fuck symere - it was almost as if he wanted to watch or something. after i realized that his bet that he set up was to expose me, it was like a switch flipped and i wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

but of course i was too nice to actually say that, so here i was, talking to him.

"wassup," my tone was dry and uninterested as i sat back onto my bed.

"aye, wassup," he responded. "i heard about that lil date you and symere went on. i ain't know you liked that rock music shit. he turning you satanic like him?"

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