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"i was being a thot, leave me alone"


i was currently sitting in the kfc around the corner from dexter's house, sipping on a soda through a straw as i waited for jordan to come pick me up and take me to the concert.

i had told him to meet me here, because he still doesn't know i don't live at my own house obviously. he's been starting to get more and more suspicious because my lies don't add up, but i promised myself that i was going to tell him everything after the concert, no matter how scared of his reaction i was. i was tired of keeping track of my cover ups and my lies.

the thing about a lie is that once you tell it, you have to keep thinking of details and justifications for the lie that you came up with so that you can't be caught slipping. on top of that, you have to remember every single lie you've told, and remember your story, or else the lie will unravel and you'll be found out in no time.

 and me, being the terrible liar that i know i am, has already been caught up in my lies, because i know that jordan knows that somebody was abusing me at some point, he just doesn't know it was rakim, and as nervous as i was that he wouldn't believe me or he'd blame me, i had to tell him. from what i know, jordan has been completely honest with me so far, it wouldn't be fair for me to keep keeping this from him.

as of right now, i wasn't thinking about that. i pushed that, and all my other negative thoughts to the back of my mind, and i was just focusing on the fact that i was about to go see one of my favorite bands along with my boyfriend.

i couldn't contain my excitement, as i tapped my foot on the ground to release the adrenaline that had built up inside of me in anticipation for the concert. i was literally bursting with energy, and i couldn't wait for jordan to show up.

just as i thought about it, i saw jordan pushing through the glass doors and my face automatically lit up in more excitement. 

he looked fine as hell as usual, his dreads were tied back, he was wearing an oversized striped t shirt, black joggers that i could see his dick print peeking through, he probably wasn't even wearing any underwear, i didn't care, all i knew was that i wanted it down my throat.

i continued to stare at jordan in a daze, dirty throughts overtaking my mind as he inched closer to where i was still sitting.

i was snapped out of my nasty thoughts when i felt jordan squeezing me into a hug.

"hey sy, i missed you baby," he remarked as he hugged me, crouching down to match my sitting frame.

i stood up and hugged him back, "i miss you too jordy, even though we saw each other 2 days ago," i giggled.

"i told you not to call me that," jordan grunted, a pout forming on his face as the two , "if you gon give me a nickname at least call me carti."

i scoffed. "ugh, but everybody calls you carti, i'm not an unoriginal ass bitch, so jordy it is," i continued to tease, earning a groan from him as we approached his car.

"you lucky i'm bad at making up nicknames and i can't think of one for you to get you back," jordan remarked when we entered his car as he began to drive.

jordan and i continued to trade lighthearted shots at one another as he drove to the venue. his right hand finding his way to my thigh and resting on it as he continued to steer with his left, and i felt myself practically melting at his touch.

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