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i havent updated this in forever :/// btw i made some changes to the cast and edited a few things in the early chapters so a few small things might not add up if you don't reread???

"having nobody care about you has it's perks"


it's crazy how you can have the best day of your life only for it to turn into one of the worst nights of your life.

after my day with jordan, i was on cloud nine. i felt like i was dreaming, there was no way that the person i was crushing on not only took me on a date, enjoyed himself, and then kissed me afterwards. even if he needed a bit of a history lesson when it came to knowing his emo music (because confusing paramore for panic and mcr should be illegal, i'm sorry, that ain't it chief. ) the day i had with him was beyond amazing, and i couldn't even believe it. it was the best day i've had in a while.

if we were being real, it seemed a little too good to be true. i just didn't know how yet.

as i walked down the dimly lit street, my heart beating fast and smiling to myself as jordan kissing me replayed in my mind over and over. it's one thing to fantasize about your crush taking you out on dates and kissing you, but you're never actually prepared for when it happens. no matter how bold i am when it comes to teasing jordan, i'm turned into a shy, blushing mess when i'm around him.

well not really blushing, but let's just pretend my black ass can actually produce blush for a minute.

the high i was on, though, came crashing down as soon i got back to the house.

first of all, all of the doors were locked when i got back, so i had to bang and knock on the door for at least 5 minutes straight, burning up outside in the late september southern heat.

after i stood outside pathetically for a while, ready to just call miles or somebody to ask if i could stay over, the door swung open, and what happened next made me wish i would have just called miles.

i looked up to see an angry rakim towering over me, his pupils dialated and his hair all over the place he was probably just as drugged up as he always was.

he didn't say a word to me, he just grabbed me by the collar and dragged me into the house like that, the two white girls who were sitting on the couch who he was probably either fucking or about to fuck not even phased by the scene unfolding before them, they were probably too high to care.

i know one thing, i'm glad i didn't recognize them from school or anything, because this was embarrasing enough seeing this happen in front of two strangers, never mind two people i know.

rakim dragged me by my collar into the house before slamming me against the wall, my tiny frame aching from the force of the slam before he wrapped his arm around his neck and began to choke me.

"where in the fuck have you been?" he asked me through gritted teeth, as i practically shook in fear. rakim was probably about to beat my ass tonight. he's beaten me before, usually when he's high, but like i said, he was always high off of something.

i gasped for air as his grip on my neck got tighter and tighter. "i was, i was just, i was just."

"just fucking spit it out."

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