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" everything he did was adorable to me"


i think i'm starting to like symere.

and the scary part is i'm not even sure if i mean i like him as a friend, or as more.

i mean it was only natural that we started to grow to like each other because this dare has us texting each other nonstop so that i can screenshot shit he says for evidence for the exposure.

an exposure i'm not even sure i want to take part in anymore if we being real. symere was a sweetheart. sure, he was more eccentric than others, and he had a smart mouth, but when you really got to know him, which i was starting to do, he was so sweet, and i honestly didn't know if i could live with myself if i hurt him. it would be like kicking a kitten

a kitten that crawled out of hell, yes, but a kitten regardless.

a kitten was a great comparison for symere, because he was fucking adorable. his height made him so much more cute to me. he was basically half my size, and his eyes were so big and bright and full of life, he looked like an anime character come to life, and those little shoulder dances he likes to do are the cutest thing.

i'm lowkey mad i'm not dating him for real.

as much as i wanted to drop the whole dare thing and just leave symere alone, shayaa wouldn't stop reminding me of it, and pressuring me to get some "good material" so i could expose him when the time was right.

"so, update me on you and that fruity nigga," shayaa asked as we drove throughout the, shayaa, dimitri and his friend that just moved here from chicago, dexter were all in the car, looking for something to do because we were bored.

"i mean, there ain't much for me to update you on," i shrugged. "we talk every day and he likes me, that's all i gotta say."

"you need to step your game up," shayaa shook his head at me.

"well what do you want me to do? fuck him in the school bathroom and tape it or some shit? i'm not finna go too far cuz i'm not gay, i just wanna finish this dumbass dare," i rolled my eyes, i was starting to get annoyed with shayaa's constant hounding me about this shit.

"if you wanna finish it then you gotta speed this shit up," he replied.

i didn't say shit back, only because i was tired of hearing shayaa's mouth, and he was the type to always want the last word no matter what.

dimitri was silently agreeing with shayaa, as he usually did, mumbling something about how funny it would be when symere got exposed, and dexter just looked mad uncomfortable, since he probably didn't even know what we were talking about.

i continued to drive around until we reached my cousin rakim's trap house. even though he was my cousin, i ain't really fuck with him like that. he gave me creepy vibes, he always had girls from my school over, presumably to fuck, but he's a grown ass man. why would a 24 year old man need to fuck high school girls for?

but regardless, we were over because rocky was the plug when it came to getting drugs, and i felt like getting high today, shit, i was stressed out and i needed it.

bet on it ✧ playboiuziTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang