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"how heartless did you have to be to hurt someone as precious as symere?"


something weird was going on with symere.

and when i say weird, i don't mean his usual eccentric antics of trying to do shit like starting a suicide cult with jahseh. (which is an actual thing he texted me about yesterday, and yes, i left his ass on read) 

i think something serious is going on with him at home. it all started after we went on that date together and we kissed for the first time, which i still haven't completely processed, but that's a different topic for another day.

the following monday after our date, he came to school with a busted up lip, which i ended up asking him about because it looked pretty bad and i was concerned about him. a lot of people at this school hated him, so maybe he had gotten jumped or beaten up by some random ass bully. it wouldn't be the first time people were violent to symere for no reason. the bullying he received was even more intense last year. shayaa's even threatened to kill him before with all seriousness.

but when i asked, symere told me he fell down the stairs, which felt like a lie considering he stuttered and couldn't even look me in the eye when he told me that, and i don't think you can get a busted lip like that anyway, but who knows, maybe he was telling the truth.

so i didn't press further, even though i was suspicious as hell. symere wasn't even my boyfriend, we kissed exactly once, so i really didn't have no business being as concerned about him as i was. 

well, i'm a fucking idiot, because after i decided not to pry for answers, he started to regularly show up to school with random injuries and bruises. one day he had a bruise on his leg, the next he had bruises around his neck, the next he had bruises on his forearm, and the next his lip was busted again. it was clear that somebody was hurting symere at home, and obviously he didn't want to talk about it to anybody because why would he? everybody at this school treats him like shit, why would he trust anyone enough to tell them he's being abused.

it also made sense as to why he had such a problem with me taking him or picking him up from home. maybe whoever is abusing him doesn't allow him to go out so he has to sneak, and maybe that's why he always seems to come back especially beat up after he hangs out with me. i mean, he's only hung out with me outside of school twice, but both of those times his injuries were more noticeable to where i realized something was going on.

all i know is once i found out who was hurting him, i was going to kill them. how heartless do you have to be to hurt someone as precious as symere?

today was the same. symere was walking with a limp, and he had a tissue shoved up his nose, i'm guessing because he had a bloody nose from being punched in it by someone.

enough is enough. i needed to figure out what was going on with symere.

i made sure to get him alone before the first bell of the day rang and most people were in the cafeteria so they wouldn't see us. not only was i keeping this "relationship" of ours a secret for obvious reasons, i also didn't want to humiliate him by asking him if he's being abused in front of a bunch of people. that would just be idiotic of me.

i noticed him walk into the school from the front doors, and i pulled him to the side before he went to the cafeteria. 

his mood instantly brightened upon seeing me. "oh, hey jordan, how are you today? i missed you...even though i saw you yesterday," he shrugged, flashing me a wide, tight lipped smile, which in turn made me smile as well. even when i felt bad for him, he still managed to be the cutest thing ever.

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