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"imagine being homophobic but all of your friends are gay"


living with dexter was less awkward than i originally thought it'd be.

first of all, i literally had to use my super saiyan ninja skills to sneak my way out of rakim's trap. and by that i mean i gathered my belongings and waited until rakim was blacked out on another one of his drug induced binges before i high tailed it out of there and to the address dexter gave me.

i left my phone behind, despite the fact that i was going to be mad bored without my phone, because i was paranoid that rocky would be able to track my whereabouts with my phone number, especially since he pays the bill (he bought me a phone and he pays my bill as a way to make me trust him more and keep me from leaving him. he would always give me random gifts - usually after he beat me as a way to trap me.) so i thought it'd be better to leave behind.

walking around without a phone was also dangerous as hell, and trust me, hell is dangerous.

but whatever, my safety and my sanity is more important than some cracked ass iphone 6+ that ain't even have no more storage.

but yeah, living with dexter wasn't bad at all. his grandma was nothing but nice to me when he introduced us, and she said she was happy to help out one of her grandson's friends as long as i don't interrupt her soap operas.

and sometimes when she went out to go play bingo at the old folks home a few streets over, dexter would bring his boyfriend over, and let me tell you, i didn't want to know what this nigga sounded like when he was getting piped down, but i just can't unhear it.

i mean, it still was awkward because i was basically living with a stranger. i had barely knew dexter before he offered me to come stay with him. we were cool with each other and he was really nice, but for him to ask me to stay with him seemed a bit too good to be true at first.

i mean, he was really tight with dimitri, who was one of my arch enemies at school. what if this was some kind of set up or scheme to hurt me or something? dexter didn't seem like the type to do something like that, but you never know who's stringing you along just to set you up.

but despite my paranoia, i was really desperate to get away from rakim. so obviously, i took up his offer.

besides, i don't think dexter would go through all the trouble of admitting to me that he's gay too just to set me up, especially when he's cool with shayaa, a raging homophobe, and i could easily out him to even the scores. (not that i would do that, but still.)

now that i think about it, it's kinda ironic that shayaa hates gay people so much, but two of his closest friends are gay. well, dexter is. i don't even know if jordan considers himself gay or not. i mean he should identify as at least bi, considering we're basically dating at this point, but who knows, maybe he doesn't want to put a label on it.

oh well, my point is that shayaa is cool with 2 people who like dick on the low, yet the reason he hates me is because i like dick.

i know one thing. it would be funny if dimitri was gay too, considering that's his main ass kisser.

imagine being homophobic but all your friends are gay. that's tuff.

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