Chapter 3: Help Me

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*A Few Weeks Later*

I tiredly lean against the back of the booth. Nervously looking around the place, I study the design awkwardly. I'm located in the back of the building, out of hearing range of most people, but the spot is uncomfortably located right in front of the bathroom. With the counter a few feet away from where I sit, I awkwardly watch the worker go back and forth to make people their designated beverages.

"You what?"

I sigh heavily and lower my head onto the cold, suspiciously sticky laminated table. Running my hands through my hair, I let my fingertips run along the slightly baggy skin under my eyes. I haven't been sleeping too well for weeks now.

"You really think that your house is haunted?"

I raise my head as my new, self-proclaimed "awesome" Prussian, friend, Gilbert, asks, continuing in his grilling interrogation of disbelief. One of his white brows is raised while the other one furrows, giving me a critical sort of look. I expected nothing less from him, but I was hoping for a better reaction. He has messy pure white hair and ruby red eyes that always seem to glow with excitement. And right now, they aren't leaving my face. He's probably looking for some sign that I'm joking, but I'm not.

"Why would you think this, mon ami?" Francis, another friend I've made that is apparently from France, asks. He has stylishly trimmed blonde hair, well managed stubble, and bright blue eyes that practically ooze charm.

I glance over to Antonio, the third friend I've made, who's from Spain and looks terribly lost with what we're talking about. He's dumb by no means, but he's a bit of an airhead that zones out every now and then. His curly brown hair hangs in his face, and his bright, olive green eyes, shine with curiosity and confusion alike.

I sigh again and shift, suddenly feeling suffocated and sticky in my warm bomber jacket. "I know it sounds cliche and stuff, but lately, lots of weird stuff has been happening. Scary stuff, too." I rub my eyes and clutch at my now tepid Styrofoam cup of coffee. I refused to go home after school today and dragged my new friends to the nearest coffee shop. It's been weeks, and I need to talk to someone about this. I feel like I can trust these guys.

I shift in my seat and avoid their gazes. "It used to be just nightmares and the occasional noise, but it's gotten worse." They seem to hang onto every word, which makes me smile bitterly. "Now all I see when I close my eyes are different nightmares, whether I'm asleep or not. All I hear anymore are these whispers when I'm alone and the sound of footsteps. Not to mention, there is always at least one cold spot in the house." I sigh and look to each one of them before looking back at the surface of the table. "I've even seen this guy at the foot of my bed." I hear Antonio gasp at this revelation, but I choose to ignore it. "He sort reaches out towards me, but he stops when he gets even a little close as if somethine is holding him back. I wish I knew what he looked like, because then I could find stuff on him or whatever, but he only ever looks like this black mass." I gesture with my hands, as if molding a mass in front of me and stop when I realize how ridiculous I must look.

"That's terrifying," Gilbery mutters quietly, seeming to believe me. 

I sigh in relief when Antonio and Francis nod in agreement. I was so terrified that they'd call me crazy and not believe me. I relax a little, slouching back in my seat with a yawn. I want to sleep so badly, but I can't stop seeing those horrific nightmares. They still come to me, even if I'm away from the goddamn house. I've been meaning to talk to my mom about it, but it seems like she's always at the office nowadays. I barely ever get a word in, because she's so busy working. I guess it helps distract her from my dad. He doesn't even deserve her thoughts, though.

"So I think we can all agree that we're going to stay at Alfred's tonight," Gilbert states, his voice ringing with finality.

"Say what?" I ask, completely bewildered when the other two guys nod in agreement.

"We're gonna stay at your house tonight and try to get to the bottom of who or whatever is causing you all this trouble," Francis tells me kindly, adding an unnecessary wink to the end of his statement. He's quite the flirt, but I appreciate the sentiment.

"I love that you guys are willing to help, but how do you plan to do this?"

The three of them exchange glances before Gilbert finally shrugs. "We'll meet at your house later, and we'll bring a bunch of shit to help. We can have a little investigation like on those ghost hunter shows!"

Francis snorts at that. "We can, indeed, but everyone knows those shows are totally faked," he comments, sipping at his frappe haughtily. 

Gilbert gasps, obviously offended. "Nein!" he proclaims, hitting the table with his pale fist, causing it to wobble. "They are real!"

Antonio laughs loudly at the two of them, interrupting their argument. Oh, he's good. "Why don't we go get ready for tonight?" he suggests in his usual happy tone. No wonder everyone seems to like him. He's subtly a mediator, which is probably why he can handle is spitfire of a boyfriend, Lovino, an Italian that seems to hate pretty much everyone. Everybody thinks he's just some idiot that's overly nice, but I don't think that's the case.

Gilbert grins, seeming to forget about the argument he nearly had with one of his best friends. "Sweet! I'll gather as much shit as I can! I'm sure West won't mind if I borrow some of his gadgets." 'West' is Gilbert's younger brother. He calls him that, because apparently, his brother is from Germany, which is west of Prussia. Well, it was west of Prussia.

Most people would assume that Ludwig, Gilbert's brother, is older, because he's much more mature and responsible. Not to mention, he simply looks older as well, being taller and buffer than his brother.

"I guess I'll just have to cancel my dates..." Francis says with a sigh, which makes me grin and shake my head. I know he really doesn't have any. He isn't exactly a dating kind of person. He's more a meet-and-sleep-together kind of person. Apparently he "wants to be good" when he finally meets his true love. Hey, to each his own. I won't judge.

"You guys don't have to do this," I say, making sure they understand that this isn't mandatory of them.

Antonio laughs a little at that. "No need to worry," he tells me. "We're friends, and friends always look after each other."

Francis and Gilbert nod in approval, and I smile, looking at the three of them in turn.

Getting up from the booth, I run a hand through my golden hair and grin tiredly at my friends. "Well, let's go get ready then!"


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to leave suggestions if you have any! I love when people give me ideas and stuffs! Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update! Until then, have an absolutely fabulous and fantastic day! Bai!!! >:3


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