Chapter 32

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Theo's POV

It's been a few days since the incident with Michael at the park, and he still hasn't contacted me. I know I told him to really think about what this relationship means to him before talking to me, but the complete isolation from him feels unnatural, and I'm a little worried. Does he think I'm not good enough for him? Or maybe he chose his parents over me?

Not that I can force him to choose me. I know if he decides to choose his parents over me, I would respect his decision and break up with him... or rather he'd break up with me.

I realize now I may have been a bit harsh back at the park, it just frustrates me a bit because I could tell he was contemplating breaking up with me as soon as he mentioned his parents' reactions. I know I probably shouldn't get so upset over this especially since he never actually voiced the possibility out loud, but I've just become so insecure that he doesn't really like me. The whole... parents incident still has me a little shaken, and basically ripped apart any self confidence I had.

I still stand by what I said, though. I do genuinely think Michael is living a life his parents want, not necessarily what he wants.

I guess it's difficult for me to understand exactly how he feels because I don't see my parents the same way he does. Yes, of course I love them very much and also want to please them, but I'm not willing to drop aspects of myself or what makes me happy for them. In that sense I mean I want to choose my own career, my own relationships, my own success route.

Michael's told me about his parents a bit. They're not affectionate and they're very work-driven. It seems so different than the household I grew up in: caring, friendly, loving. I had all of my parents' attention since young, especially since I'm the only child.

Maybe our differences will make him see that we're not meant for each other.

That would absolutely suck. If he decides to break up with me... I don't really know how I'd react. Being completely honest, I imagine myself being all cool and collected, accepting the news, and then wallowing in my own heartbreak by myself. However, I can't say I'd act that way in real life. I think I can imagine how I'd act in a scenario, and then I'd do a complete 180 when it actually happens.

If we did break up, would we still be friends? Or would we be the exes who want nothing to do with each other, and never seeing each other again? Although that would be impossible. Rowan and Liam are too attached to each other for Michael and I to never see each other again.

I'm startled out of my thoughts by my ringtone going off. I glance at the caller id and see that it's Michael.

Hesitantly, I answer the call.


"Hey Theo."

"H-hi Michael."

"I just wanted to let you know that I've thought about what you said these past few days... and I think I've come to a decision."

"Um, okay. What- what have you decided?" I bite my lip in anticipation. I hear him take a breath from the other side of the phone.

"I want to be with you. I had a talk with my parents and yeah, I've been following their comments a little to seriously. I'm sorry that I'm-" He lets out a chuckle, "that I'm a complete mess. I promise from now on I'll be putting my 100% into this relationship. Not that I haven't before, it's just that I was a little worried about my parents and-"

"Michael, it's fine. Thank you," I smile, "you were rambling."

"Sorry, I was just worried I didn't get my point across clearly... But yeah."

Silence falls between us for a few moments.

"...So we're good?" I hear from the other end of the line. I let out a laugh.

"Yeah, we're- we're really good."

"Great! I'm sorry if I stressed you out these past few days. I was being really dumb."

"It's fine, Michael.  I think we were both a bit too aggressive and forward at the park. That issue is in the past, so now we just look forward to the future."

"Yeah, you're right... Oh, since we're together, would you like to go on a double date? Rowan was asking."

I feel my heart drop when he says that. Rowan was asking? Doesn't that mean he has a date? Or a partner?

Liam's going to be heart-broken...

"Rowan... got a girlfriend?" I ask quietly, my eyes downcast.

"What? A girl- no no no no, Theo... He and Liam started dating."

"What?!" I shout, eyes widening in surprise, "when did this happen?! Why didn't anyone tell me? How long have they been together?!"

"Theo! Please calm down. You're killing my ears over here."

"Sorry," I grin sheepishly.

"Anyway, Rowan just informed me yesterday, so it's pretty recent. As for why no one told you, I don't know, maybe Liam was planning to tell you later? I thought you knew already."

"Apparently not. Well, whatever. At least I know now, and as for that double date, I'm all for it. Just let me know when and where."

"Alright. We'll coordinate with Liam and Rowan. I'm... really glad we figured out this problem."

"Me too," I reply, "we've had quite a few bumps in the road, but I'm really glad I met you."

"I'm glad I met you too, Theodore."

"And this is my first real relationship, I guess. I know I probably wasn't... the easiest to work with since I know basically nothing, so thanks for being patient with me, I guess."

"Of course. It goes without saying that I'll do anything for the ones I love. There's no need to be thankful about anything."

I smile, about to reply, when my brain reviews the words Michael just said. I freeze, eyes widening.

Did he...

Did he just say that he loves me?

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