Chapter 29

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Michael's mum (you can imagine her a little older if you wish haha)^^

Michael's POV

I've decided to come out to my parents today.

My hands are sweating and I feel pretty terrified. Would they kick me out like Theo's parents did? Licking my dry lips, I head downstairs where my parents are sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Hey mom, dad. I have something I need to tell you." I say nervously, fidgeting with my hands and standing awkwardly in the living room.

"Oh, well go on then, Mike." My dad says, putting down his book and turning to face me. My mother mirrors his actions with her phone.

"Well... I'm... Bisexual." I mumble.

"Honey, speak up. It's not like you to mumble." My mom says sternly.

"I'm bisexual." I repeat, swallowing nervously after.

"That's when you like boys and girls right?" My dad asks, his face showing no emotion. I manage to nod. Silence falls over the house for a few minutes.

"Well, at least we still might be able to have biological grandchildren." My dad chuckles awkwardly with a smile on his face. I smile nervously. What the fuck does that mean?! Does he accept me or not?

"Hmm... It would have been ideal for you to for sure find a nice girl and settle down, but since we can't guarantee that, do whatever you wish, as long as your marks stay high, Michael." My mother replies after a moment of hesitation. My heart sinks. Of course they would want me to marry a girl and have kids.

"There's another thing... uh... I have a boyfriend...." I say anxiously. This causes my father to blink in surprise.

"A boyfriend? So soon? How long has this been happening?" My father asks, startled by the information.

"His name's Theo... Er... His full name is Theodore. We started dating just before Christmas... so like 7 months?" I grimace when I realize how long I haven't told my parents about my relationship before.

"Seven months?! Michael why didn't you inform us earlier?" My mother exclaims, eyes wide.

"I wasn't sure if you'd accept me or not! I was nervous, and we came out to Theo's parents and they didn't accept him and kicked him out for about 4 months. Obviously I couldn't tell you because he was really torn up about it and... if you didn't accept me, both of us wouldn't be at our best... and I didn't want our relationship to crumble." I explain, not meeting their eyes.

My dad's gaze softens, and a small smile appears on his face, "I'm sorry you felt that way, Michael. You do know you can talk to us anytime right? We may get disappointed or frustrated at times, but we will always love you." My mom stays silent, looking downwards.

"I'd still prefer it if you were traditional, obviously. However I can't argue that settling down with a boy will make you any less competent, so do whatever you wish, as long as you're still successful." She states firmly, looking me in the eye. I nod quickly before glancing away. My mother is a stern lady with high priorities and expectations. Her auburn hair is usually tied up in a bun at the back of her head and she tends to be busy dealing with calls about her business. My father still holds high expectations but is more laid back and easy going. 

I still can't shake the fact that I know my parents wanted me to marry a girl and have kids. It feels like I've still let them down somehow by not meeting their expectations. Trying to stay positive, I excuse myself and head up back up to my room to process their reaction. I mull over what they said. Clearly they accept me in some way at least because they didn't seem upset or kick me out. My mother seems more miffed or indifferent than angry, while my father appeared to be accepting  with the whole situation. 

However, my mother literally stated "I'd still prefer it if you were traditional, obviously." This means she wants me to settle down with a female. I clench my fists in frustration. I still feel like I've betrayed my parents because I'm not the perfect son they wanted me to be. They've raised me to be a son who meets their expectations; the perfect, successful man you see in movies with a beautiful wife and kids, living in a multiple garage home and working for a business or something with a high salary. Of course, every parent would love it if their child grew up to be successful, I understand that completely. My mother especially has always said it would be extremely disappointing if I was anything less than perfect, and that I should never accept anything less than that. 

Not to mention, I'm the only child. My parents are putting all their hopes and dreams into me because I have no siblings they can turn to if I mess up. A small thought appears in my brain.

I could break up with Theo to make my parents happy.

It would be ideal for them. I would no longer feel like I'm letting them down, and they'll have their "perfect" son again...

On the other hand, I really do like Theo, and I know it would break my heart (and probably his too) if I abruptly broke up with him. However, who said I couldn't find another person to love in the future? No one even knows if Theo's the one I'm meant to be with for the rest of my life. Maybe I should just take the risk and break up with him....

I contemplate calling Rowan and asking what he thinks, but I figure I should solve this issue by myself this time. Even though it would be easier to get Rowan's advice (or perhaps even more confusing), I can't depend on him whenever I reach a struggle in life.

I call Theo after thinking about it some more.


"Hi Theo, it's Michael."

"Oh hey. What's up?"

"Not much... I wanted to talk to you. Maybe we could meet up somewhere tomorrow?"

"Oh, okay. Uh... anywhere you had in mind?"

"Maybe the park about 20 minutes away from your house? The one with the huge willow trees next to the pond."

"Yup, what time?"

"After lunch I guess? Around like 3?"

"Okay. Where in the park? It's pretty big" Theo lets out a chuckle on the other end of the line.

"Er... At the end of the park trail with the jungle gym and the benches?"

"Sure. I'll see you then."

"See you." I reply before hanging up.

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