Chapter 2

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^^ Theo's timetable
(My apologies if university schedules don't look like this... I wouldn't know)

Theo's POV

Waking up is a terrible idea.

Why can't I just sleep for the rest of my life?

Sighing, I drag myself out of bed, and head to the washroom to brush my teeth. A quick glance at the clock tells me it's 9:46 am.

I don't usually have to be at the bakery until around 2 pm, where I'd work until 6. Usually I'd be waking up much earlier for classes that either start at 8 am or 10 am (with the blissful exception of Thursday, where my classes start at 2 pm.)

Grumbling as I head to the kitchen, I realize that classes start in a week. I should probably regulate my schedule a little better...

But who ever does?

The kitchen smells amazing, and as I enter I can see Liam at the stove, frying eggs and bacon. One hand holds the pan handle while the other absentmindedly taps beats onto the counter. Hearing my footsteps, he turned around and gives me a small smile.

"Hey Theo. Want some bacon and eggs?" He offered. What a sweet boy.

"Yeah, that'd be nice. Thanks Li," I sigh tiredly as I sit down at the small kitchen table, "where's E?"

"Umm... I think he might be on a date with some girl or something." Liam replied, sliding an egg onto a plate before starting another round of bacon.

"Already? Didn't he just break up with that last guy a week ago?" I muttered tiredly. Ethan has a ton of exes... too many to keep count.

"Mhmm. Trying online dating this time I think," Liam sighed, "I really wish he'd just focus on his studying, or find one person to stay with."

"Maybe this one will be the one." I shrug as Liam places the crispy bacon on the plate with the eggs and hands it to me. I accept it gratefully. Liam slides into the seat across from me with his own plate of eggs and bacon.

"Got any plans?" I ask him, "Maybe meet someone?"

"No." He smiled. "Not interested in meeting anyone right now. Maybe later."

"You've never been interested in meeting anyone. I'm starting to think you hate people." I groaned. It's true. Liam has never been big on people or crowds. He always reassured us that he'd start dating after education, but that's still quite a few years from now.

"Maybe I do." Liam said softly, putting more food in his mouth.

Yesterday was Monday, meaning I literally have nothing to do, since classes start next week.

I end up hanging out with Liam the whole day, and then consoling Ethan when he comes back grumbling about how the girl was an absolute bitch, and that he's seriously starting to think about giving up online dating.



The next day after having lunch with Ethan and Liam at home, I head over to the bakery once again for my part-time job.

Today I get to bake!

I absolutely love baking. It's just so fun and creative with all the decorative items you can use and the flavours. That's why I just love cooking and food in general.

Putting on an apron, I start working on making some danishes. I'm working with my co-worker Sabrina today. She's extremely work-efficient, which is great, because then I can slack off just that tiny bit more than usual.

I start humming random tunes quietly as I work, it's a habit of mine. Is it annoying? Maybe, but people just have to learn to deal with it. Sabrina hardly notices, she's too busy in her own world of baking.

Halfway through, I get called to switch to the cashier. I walk over and there's quite a few people lining up. It's around 4, a perfect time to sit down, have a hot drink and a pastry to battle the cool fall weather.

I genuinely love working at the bakery, and at times I seriously consider dropping my Psychology major and just working here full time.

Customer service is okay, you've got the nice people who smile and say hello, the ones who are just here to order (and honestly, I don't blame them), and then you have those rude assholes who demand things or get pissed if I take a wrong step.

For the most part, people are polite or just here to order, which is fine by me.

Faces go by as the hours pass, and when it's finally time to leave, I wrap up my shift, put away anything I borrowed, and exit the bakery/cafe.

Ah, should I ask the guys if they want to go out and eat? Probably.

I take out my phone and text them, asking if they want me to pick up McDonald's or actually go out and eat a dinner together.

Of course, the lazy asses choose McDonald's.

After ordering a mass amount of McDonald's food (Ethan's a foodie), I walk back to the dorm, where I'm greeted with Ethan on the couch, and Liam reading something on his phone.

What he's reading? Guess I'll never know because he quickly switches it off when he notices food.

"Yay dinner!" Ethan cheers, heading over to root through food choices.

"Thanks for the food, Theo. How much?" Liam asked.

"It's on me." I grin at the smaller boy.

Oh yeah, speaking of heights, it's totally unfair that I'm stuck at a height of 5'6 while the average European male is 5'10. Liam's got it even worse at the height of 5'5, but I think it just adds to his cute image. Ethan's 5'8, and loves to constantly rub it in my face because he knows I'm still salty about my height (even though he's also shorter than average).

Overall, it's been a pretty smooth transition back into university (the dorms, anyway).

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