Chapter 24

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Theo's POV

Aunt Alice exited my room after I promised her that I wouldn't lock myself in "my" room for hours on end. I checked my phone and realized I should probably update Stephanie on the events.

Me: Hey, wanted to let you know that my family knows that I'm gay, and I have a boyfriend. So you don't need to pretend anymore.

Steph: Oh, okay. How did it go?

Me: ....

Me: Not so well.

Steph: Oh no! I'm so sorry Theo. Do you want to talk about it?

Me: Not really, I'm staying at my aunt's house for now. Thanks for asking.

Steph: Well, I hope your situation gets better really soon :(

Me: Thanks. I need to go, bye :)

I close the messages app and head downstairs. Aunt Alice is sitting at the dining table with a cup of tea and her phone in hand. She gives me a small smile before returning to her phone. I sit down on the couch in the living room. The floor is open plan so we can see each other despite me being in the living room and her being in the dining room.

We have some small talk here and there about a few small topics, but it often lapses into silence with the both of us just on our phones. I know Aunt Alice doesn't really know how to deal with me, since she's never had to take care of a child who shouldn't really be trusted alone in case of terrible intrusive thoughts. She tries though, and I appreciate the effort.

It kind of baffles me why parents are so willing to drop their kid just because they like someone of the same gender, or want to transition to another gender or whatever. I thought a parent's bond is supposed to be one of the strongest ones known to humans (so far).

Then again, I can't just cut my parents out of my life like they did to me. As much as I may want to, or how much easier it may be compared to struggling through this issue, I still love them. I still have a longing to be accepted by them, and it frustrates me.

"How do you plan on talking to my parents?" I ask quietly. Aunt Alice glances up at me and puts down her phone.

"I'm... not entirely sure, but I'll try to make them see reason. I think this is really ridiculous, Theo. Abandoning your child just because of their sexual preference. Neither of your parents have even called or texted to inform me that this had happened, so I wouldn't even had known if you haven't shown up at my door with Michael." She sighed.

So, what were my parents planning to do during the next family meet-up? "Oh sorry, Theo's just sick."? How long would they keep that up for? How would the rest of my family react?

"Let's not think about it too much. Would you like to go out somewhere? Anything you need to buy? I'll drive you." Aunt Alice offers. I send her a small smile.

"I don't know. I don't really know what to do right now. University is done for now so I'm not busy like I usually am, and I don't have a part time job anymore since it would be too far to commute back and forth." I admit.



The day goes by, mainly me just helping out Aunt Alice do chores around the house since neither of us were really up to going out. After a delicious dinner cooked by the both of us, I reside in my room (with the door open, per Aunt Alice's request) texting Liam, Ethan, and Brianna.

Me: Hey guys

Ethan: Hey, how are you?

Me: Alright. Feeling better than before

Brianna: I'm really sorry about what happened Theo! You're welcome to talk or come over anytime you like if you need :)

Me: Thanks Brie, but I'm okay for now :)

Liam: Hey guys, heading out but I'll text you guys later

Ethan: Ooh where ya going?

Liam: dinner

Ethan: With whom? The fam? Say hi to your parents for me, and the cat of course

Liam: Hmm, not going out with them, already left the house whoops

Me: Oh? Friends?

Liam: Guess you could say that. Just one friend though

Ethan: Is it Rowan? ;)

Liam: No!

Liam: ... Maybe

Brianna: Ooh? New friend? Why don't I know him?

Me: They met through mutual friends (my boyfriend)

Brianna: Ah, well have fun Li!

Liam: Bye :)




About 2 and a half months have passed by. I'm still living with Aunt Alice. I've gotten used to living with Aunt Alice, and I like it. She's pretty easygoing with me hanging out with friends most nights, doesn't push me to share anything, and is pretty fair with dividing up the housework.

My parents haven't even tried to contact me once, but late at night I can sometimes overhear Aunt Alice arguing on the phone, and I think it's with my parents.

On a completely different note, Liam and Rowan are completely smitten with each other, but are too scared to ask each other out. They go on a lot of "friend dates" according to Michael. I really don't know what they're waiting for, everyone in the friend group can clearly see that they're basically already dating, just minus PDA, or... any displays of affection. Liam's been checking up on me a lot these past 2 and a half months, which is really nice of him. It's also part of the reason his and Rowan's relationship is not progressing as fast as it could.

Ethan's stopped dating recently, and he's been contacting me a lot too, checking up on how I'm doing instead of our usual pointless banter. We're all super excited to see his dance on the 16th of August. It's the main thing I'm looking forward to. He's shown me some tidbits of it, but says he wants to keep the whole dance as a surprise.

If we all get to go (Brie, Sean, Li, Rowan, Michael and I), it will be like a double date but with three couples! A... triple date? If that's what it's called. I know Liam and Rowan aren't technically a couple, but they might as well be at this point.

I hope the future is a lot better than the present.

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