Chapter 22

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Theo's Aunt Alice ^^

Theo's POV

I raise my hand to knock at the door when a huge wave of terror washes over me. I don't think it really kicked in until now, but if my aunt rejects me, where would I go?

Michael gives my hand a squeeze before letting go, and I take a deep breath before knocking three times.

The door swings open to reveal my aunt. She's looking nice today, in a dark blue outfit with her dark brown shoulder length hair.

"Theodore! What a surprise. Come in, how are you? Who's this gentleman here with you?" Aunt Alice smiles at me. I send her a nervous smile in return.

"Hi. Um... funny story actually...." I trail off, a lump forming in my throat. I suddenly can't look at her in the eye.

"I'm Michael. Nice to meet you ma'am." Michael nods, holding out his hand. Aunt Alice takes it.

"Hi dear. I'm Alice." She gives him a gentle smile, "come on in you two, then you can tell me all about your funny story." Michael and I glance at each other before hesitantly stepping into her house. She has a very nice house, with dark wooden floors and lighter coloured furniture with off-white walls.

Aunt Alice has us sit on the couches while she fetches drinks and snacks for us.

"I have no idea of your preferences, but here's some juice, water, and some biscuits. Tell me if you'd like something else, and I'll make it for you." She smiles, sitting down on the seat opposite us.

"Juice and water is fine, ma'am. Thank you." Michael says appreciatively.

"Well, what did you so urgently come over for, Theo?" Aunt Alice asks curiously, taking a sip of water.

"Mom and dad kicked me out." I blurted. Her eyes widened and she quickly put down her drink.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? They didn't hurt you right? Heavens, what would they kick you out for?" She frowns.

"M-Michael's my... my-" I stammer, hands shaking nervously. I look to Michael, begging him with my eyes to help me out. I want to say it, but I just don't have the confidence to. Luckily he seems to understand what I want him to do.

"I'm his boyfriend." Michael says, I send him a grateful look. It's so scary coming out to your family.

"I see." Aunt Alice murmurs, thinking. "Well Theo. I can see why they would be disappointed, but that's no reason for them to kick you out. Do you need to stay here?"

"Y-you're letting me stay here?" I ask, surprised. Aunt Alice looks at me with a disapproving look on her face.

"I'm not going to kick out a family member for being gay, how close-minded do you think I am? Diane's probably less accepting because she's quite a few years older, the mindset is drilled into her." Aunt Alice explains, "but what about that Stephanie girl I thought you were with?"

"Sh-she's a fake girlfriend. Mom and dad were really insistent on me settling down... so... so I just said I had a girlfriend." I mumble. Tears start to spring in my eyes. I'm so grateful for Aunt Alice.

"Aw, come here." She smiles, embracing me in a hug. I cry silently on her shoulder.

"I'll go bring in your stuff." I hear Michael say as he exits the house and walks over to his car.

"Thank you." I whisper into Aunt Alice's ear.

"You're welcome. I'll have a little talk with Diane and Thomas. They'll come around."

"But what if they don't? What if they hate me forever?" I ask anxiously. I can hear my voice trembling. 

"They won't. If they really refuse to come around, you can stay with me for however long you need." Aunt Alice reassures me. I'm so relieved words can't even describe it.

"Let's let Michael come back, and we can get you situated in the guest bedroom." Just as she says that, Michael comes back, with my luggage in hand.

"Come upstairs, boys. I hope you're okay with the room. It's pretty plain." Aunt Alice says, leading us upstairs. The guest bedroom is nice. A double bed with a desk, dresser, closet, full body mirror, and a window on one of the walls. The floors are a dark wood colour with a nice cream coloured rug.

"It's nice. Thank you so much." I say gratefully.

"I'd like to thank you as well, for being so willing to take care of Theo." Michael says politely. Aunt Alice just grins at us.

"No need to be so formal. We're family." She says fondly. Michael seems taken back by the statement, but quickly recovers and sends a smile back.

"Now, I'll let you settle in. You've been to my house before Theo. You know where everything is, right?" Aunt Alice asks, heading towards the door. I give her a nod and she disappears into the rest of the house.

Michael helps me unpack. Clothes get put away into drawers, toiletries go in the washroom, etc.

After about half an hour or so, we're done unpacking my stuff, so we sit on the bed and talk. We're still not really adjusted to this being "my bed", so we're not entirely comfortable cuddling on it or whatever. Not to mention Aunt Alice could walk in at any moment.

These past few days have been really eventful for me, and I need a moment to take it all in. I came out to my parents, they kicked me out, had to spend a night in a hotel with Michael, and then miraculously got saved by Aunt Alice and am now allowed to reside in her home.

"Do you want a hug?" Michael murmurs in my ear. I didn't realize when I was so deep in thought that he got closer to me. I give a small nod, and I instantly feel Michael's arms circle me and draw me towards him. The warmth radiating from his body feels really nice. I lean on his chest, completely forgetting that Aunt Alice could walk in at any moment.

"Do you think it'll work out? This whole thing?" I mumble. Michael kisses the top of my head gently.

"Not going to lie, there's no guarantee that your parents will be completely accepting, but I can say that you will be okay. You have people who care for you and love you, no matter what." He replies quietly. I sigh, but a small smile appears on my lips.

"Thank you."

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