Chapter 28

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Theo's POV

The performance was really good! There were about 6 or 7 different groups who performed 2 dances each. Ethan was up front for his dances. He's a really good dancer. The performance had everyone mesmerized as we watched the fluid motion of their bodies.

Ethan texted the group chat (Liam, Ethan, Brianna, and I) that he'd meet us in the lobby after he changed and to wait for him.

All 6 of us waited in the lobby until we saw him walking towards us wearing a T-shirt and some shorts.

"That was amazing, E!" Brianna almost shouts, running over to hug him. Ethan chuckles in response.

"Thanks Brie."

"Yeah Ethan, that was really good. Very impressive." Sean compliments, a grin on his face. The other guys all congratulate him, me included.

We all decide to head out for a snack at some bubble tea place not too far from the theatre. We choose a table in the corner of the place. Michael, Brianna, Sean, and I stay at the table while Liam, Rowan, and Ethan go and order everyone's drinks.

Brianna starts talking to Michael, asking him about general things.

"It's interesting to meet the man Theo's been going on about for months." Brianna smiles.

"Likewise about the friend Theo's been talking about for months." Michael grins back.

"I'm right here." I mutter. Michael chuckles and wraps an arm around my shoulders, giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek.

Ethan, Rowan, and Liam return not long after, and we all engage in conversation while drinking our drinks.



Michael drops me off at my home, but before I exit the car he stops me.

"I just... was thinking that I should probably tell my parents about us... soon." He murmurs. I send him a smile.

"Of course. When did you have in mind? Do you want me to come?" I ask.

"Um... I think... I'll just tell them myself. I feel like it may be a bit much to spring everything on them and then have you there." Michael replies honestly. I nod in understanding.

"Okay. I hope everything goes well." I murmur. I nervously give him a peck on the cheek before saying goodbye and exiting the car.

When I enter my house, I greet my parents before heading up into my room. Unlocking my phone, I text the group chat to make sure everyone got home safe. Ethan and Brianna stated they already reached home. About 15 minutes later, Liam texts us to confirm that he's home too.

I'm about to put my phone down when I see a text from Liam on our private chat.

Liam: Rowan dropped me off at home. He met my parents. My mother thought he was my boyfriend X_X

Me: Hahaha. How did he react?

Liam: He seemed oddly flattered? Idk but he was super nice about it and explained that we weren't dating or anything.

Me: That's good.

Me: ...Would you be interested in dating him though?

Liam: I don't know. He's a great friend. He's attractive and all but I don't want to ruin the friendship we have.

Me: Maybe you should go for it. You haven't had a boyfriend yet. At least we know Rowan, and our friend group would approve. He gets along with everyone.

Liam: But... I'm scared to... I don't know. Maybe lose him? I really like hanging out with him.

Me: That's fair, but at least consider? I think you guys would be pretty good together... and he might even like you back!

Liam: Okay I guess. I need to go, I'll chat later.

Me: Okay, bye!

I put my phone on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Summer is coming to an end and I'll be entering my 4th year of university soon. The thought excites and terrifies me at the same time. I get up and head to my desk. Pulling out my laptop, I start choosing courses for university.

I'm moving into the dorms again with the request to room with Liam and Ethan. Michael told me he's sharing a rented flat with Rowan this year. Brie's also decided to stay in dorms this year so we'll hopefully see her more often.

Just as I add another course to my schedule, my phone rings. Glancing over, I see it's Ethan. I pick up the phone.

"Hey E."

"Hey Theo. How are you doing?"

"... You saw me like an hour ago. You okay?"

"Yeah. Just... we haven't talked much lately and you're my best friend. Wanted to just talk. One on one."

"Oh, yeah that's true. We used to talk everyday back in secondary school right? Sorry. Guess with Michael and Rowan added to the group it's all been... a lot."

"That's completely fine. I get it, you have a boyfriend now. I'm really, truly happy for you, you know. It just feels a little lonely because I don't see my best friend as much as I used to."

"I'm sorry you feel that way. We should definitely hang out sometime, just the two of us if you'd like. I realize that I've been spending a majority of my time with Michael since I met him, so I'm trying to not see him so often. Wouldn't want to bug him, and... to be honest I want to make sure our relationship can handle being apart for a while. Especially if he plans on being a doctor or going into the medical field. He'd be busy a lot."

"Yeah... and Liam's preoccupied with Rowan. Seems like you both found your match."

"Guess so. Don't worry E, you'll find someone soon. I know you're not really dating right now, and by no means do you have to, you know? Maybe letting relationships come as time passes would be better than actively seeking one. I don't mean to offend you or anything, but I'm glad you're not getting hurt every 2 weeks from a break up anymore."

"No, I get what you mean. I don't think all those relationships were... very good for me emotionally and mentally. After not dating for a while, I see that I've been pretty shallow in my selections. If they looked good, I'd try to date them, y'know? My family didn't really know any of them either. I figured I'd wait until we got serious to let them meet my parents, but that never came..."

"It's good that you've realized this, E. Please remember that you have a group of friends that will support you if you need. No matter if it seems like I'm busy with Michael or if Liam's hanging out with Rowan or if Brianna is chilling with Sean. We'll be there for you."

"...Thanks, Theo."

"You're not crying, are you?" I teased, "but on a serious note, I never knew you were struggling emotionally or mentally, so please don't keep this stuff from me if you feel comfortable enough to share. I'll definitely do my best to help you feel better."

"Not crying you dork. Thanks, though. It means a lot that you're... willing to help me." I suddenly hear Ethan's mom's voice in the background.

"I gotta go, Theo. Thanks for chatting. We should meet up, maybe just the two of us. Bye."

"See you." I hang up the phone and put it down. My heart feels heavy with the knowledge that Ethan kept his internal struggles to himself for so long without telling anyone. It makes me wonder...

Is anyone else hiding something?

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