Chapter 16

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Theo's POV

The next few months were pretty uneventful. Classes go by as usual, exams are coming up, the cafe is pretty normal, I hang out with my friends, and get to know Michael and Rowan better.

Today, it's a Sunday of March. Rowan is officially coming over to meet Liam and Ethan. I can't say I'm entirely ecstatic, since I know Ethan will attempt to seduce him, and who knows how Liam will react. Brianna would have come along but she had some important event planned some weeks prior.

My boss for some reason is giving me a day off, since he said I've been working really hard and I deserve a break, especially since he knows I'm in university and all.

We're going to meet up for lunch, and then Michael and Rowan will come with us to our dorm, since their dorm-mate Joseph is residing in theirs.

We meet up at this little pizza place not far from my cafe. Liam, Ethan, and I end up getting there first.

When Rowan and Michael arrive, Michael gives me a small peck on the cheek before sitting across from me, next to Rowan. I figure it's probably to Rowan doesn't get too overwhelmed if he has to sit next to Liam and Ethan.

"Hi. I'm Rowan. Nice to officially meet you guys." Rowan greets, shaking hands with Liam and Ethan.

"H-hi... I'm Liam. Nice- nice to meet you too." Liam stutters softly. So soft he was barely heard. Liam is not great with new people. He's still not totally comfortable around Michael yet either. It's difficult for him to make new friends.

"I'm Ethan." Ethan grins at Rowan.

We eat a pretty easygoing lunch. Pizza to share, and the group has light conversations with each other.

Heading back to the dorm, I notice Rowan tends to hang back with Liam quite often. He seems to have taken a great liking to the smaller boy, which I'm really glad about.

We reach the dorm before Rowan and Liam do, who are still having very quiet conversations a few metres behind us, and Ethan tugs on my arm.

"I think Li's got a little boy crush on Rowan!" He whisper-shouts excitedly.

"Why do you say that?" I raise an eyebrow. Michael seems curious to know too.

"Well first off, Liam's actually getting along with someone he's just met pretty well. Have you noticed that he's blushing a lot around Rowan though? And he smiles!" Ethan says, grinning, "it's like he's all grown up now."

"He's the same age as us, E." I chuckle, "but I agree, Liam seems pretty at ease with Rowan than he has with anyone else he just met."

"Rowan seems pretty interested too." Michael comments casually.

"Seriously? How?"

Michael doesn't get to answer because Rowan and Liam catch up to us within earshot.

"Rowan's been here before right?" Liam asks as we step into the dorm.

"Yeah, once or twice. To pick up Mike or drop off Theo mainly." Rowan replies. Liam nods thoughtfully.


We end up just chatting in the living room, and Rowan and Liam seem completely enamoured in each other's conversations. Michael, Ethan, and I end up having our own little conversation because Rowan and Liam are so occupied in talking to each other.

"They click so well it's a little ridiculous." Ethan snorts, looking at the other two boys on the other side of the room.

"You're not disappointed? Weren't you trying to get into Rowan's pants?" I raise an eyebrow. Michael looks slightly uncomfortable at the thought.

"Maybe before, but who am I to deny little Lima bean the chance of finding someone?" Ethan sighs, smiling fondly.

"You guys really care for Liam." Michael comments.

"Of course. He may be the mom friend of the group, but we see him as a little baby too. He's not the best with people outside our group, and even in our group, he doesn't talk nearly as much as Ethan or I do. So Ethan and I have decided that no matter how much we want someone, if Liam really likes them, we'll back off and let Liam have them." I reply. Michael slides his hands around my waist and kisses my forehead.

"That's so sweet." He chuckles.

"Ew. Get a room. All this couple stuff has left me lonely." Ethan complains. We let out a laugh.

"Don't worry E. You'll find someone." I reassure. Ethan just sits there and pouts at me.

Before dinner, Ethan had to leave because he made plans to have dinner with his dance group before they were going to do a rehearsal. That left Rowan, Liam, Michael, and I. It felt like a double date.

We ate at this Italian restaurant as per Rowan's request. We all felt a little underdressed due to the atmosphere of the nice restaurant, but Rowan insisted that casual wear was completely fine.

While Rowan and Liam were occupied on getting to know each other, Michael and I talked.

"I was wondering... we've been dating for a while now..." Michael trails off nervously.

"Yeah?" I ask, taking a bite of my food.

"When are we going to tell our parents?" He asks quietly. I almost choke on my food.

"I uh... I don't know, to be honest." I mumble.

"I feel terrible keeping this secret from them, but I'm really terrified." Michael whispers. He's told me how highly he views his parents, and I can understand his concern. To be honest, I'm also terrified of telling my parents. How would they react if they found out that I've been lying to them for over 4 years now?

"Can... can we do it together?" I request.

"Yeah. When we're ready. We can meet the parents together." Michael kisses me quickly.

"Keep the PDA to a minimum please." Rowan chuckles. We turn to glance at him.

"So, how are you and Li getting along?" I ask curiously, I can see Liam blush a little.

"Really well. He's very cute." Rowan comments, ruffling Liam's hair.

"Hey! I'm not cute." Liam pouts cutely.

"And Liam told me his whole story of becoming a vet. I think it's a very adorable aspiration." Rowan smiles fondly at Liam, who blushes further.

"I guess Liam's getting along well with you too, since he's not stuttering over every word and is actually held a conversation with you." I point out, and Rowan seems delighted at the information.

"Yeah, you're a good friend." Liam says timidly, trying to hide his blush.

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