[23] What The Hell?

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"What the hell?" I ask as I frantically look around. "Ma'am I'm so sorry she just barged in here." One of the nurses inform me. "Ow!" I yelp out in pain as she applied pressure to my wound when she hugged me. She pulled away "Oopsies." She giggled.

"How the hell did you know Nessa?" I spat out. She furrowed as one of the nurses was unhooking me from the IV, I cringed from the pain but tried to keep my strong stance. "What? Because your mom informed me. Sweet lady she is, and why treat me like this? That's not how you treat old friends." She gave me a fake smile.

"Oh no you are definitely not-" She cut me off, "Oh Y/N I'm so glad you're safe, why don't I help you home?"

I looked at Colby for some sort of protection but I noticed he was furiously staring at Nessa, as if he were angered by her.

[45 minutes later]

"Wow Y/N you live in such a beautiful home! I am going to love staying here for a few days." Nessa grins and I shake my head. "No you're not going to be-" Nessa cut me off for the billionth time, "So, introduce me to your lovely friends Y/N, as your best friend I outta know right?" She says and she glares at me. In my weak state I'm not up to pick a fight.

"Uh- well this is Sam, Kat, Colby, Jake, Aaron, Corey, and Devyn." I say pointing to each of them. "Nice to meet you all." She says looking at them all, however she seemed to be paying extra attention to Colby. My blood started to boil from jealousy.

"So? Where am I staying?" Nessa says as she lifts up her luggage. Colby looks at me and sighs. "I'll give up my room for a few nights." He says in an annoyed tone. "Aw I don't want to kick you out. Where would you sleep?" Nessa says sadly and I speak up. "I have enough room Colby." I smile sweetly at him and Nessa turns around. "For him but not for me?" Nessa pouts and Kat interjects. "Well they're kinda together so obviously." Kat mumbles but loud enough for Nessa to hear.

Nessa glares at Kat for a moment and then fakely smiles. "Right! I'll put my stuff in there then." Nessa states and Colby trudges upsettingly up the stairs to show Nessa her new temporary room. After they're far enough everyone looks at me. "Guys I didn't want her here as much as you." I hold my hand up in defense. "Then why didn't you say anything?" Jake asks and I shake my head and sigh.

"She- well, I- uh I don't know, it's like she has some sort of.. Power over me." I say trying to explain. Kat nods knowingly and I avoid eye contact with any of them. "Can't we just like, kick her out?" Corey asks and I shake my head, "She or my mother would come for my head if I disrespected her." I groan and I pinch the bridge of my nose in stress.

"Listen, we'll all get this figured out in the morning, let's all just get some rest okay? You especially Y/N." Devyn says and the group nods. Everyone says their goodnights just as Colby was jogging down the stairs. Everyone heads upstairs while I head to the back door. I freeze up as I grab the handle and look out onto the dimly lit patio.

Memories flooded back to my mind as I remembered days prior to the very day of my kidnapping. Colby carefully snakes an arm around my waist. "It's okay, I'm here." Colby reassures me and I let out a breath I hadn't even known I was holding. I open the door and Colby protectively keeps me by his side as we walk to my room.

After we entered my room Colby shut the door behind us. I turned on one of the lamps in my room to give the room some sort of light. I sit on my bed and Colby trudges over and flops on my bed. He lays on his back and sighs. "Colby?" I ask softly and he hums in response.

"Did you mean what you said? At the hospital." I glup as I hesitantly asked the question. Colby sat up quickly, "Of course I did Y/N. I honestly don't know what'd I'd do without you. You're so important to me." Colby says as he reaches for my hand and he intertwines his fingers with mine. I look up into his bright blue eyes and he searches mine.

"Colby what- what happened between you and Shea?" I ask, nearly scared to ask such a question. Colby sighs and looks me right in the eyes. "Shea texted me saying she wanted to come over and apologize. I let her come over but I had no idea you were gone. We waited for you in the living room and when she heard you get close she..." Colby trails off and gulps as he looks away.

I put my hand under his chin and guide his vision back to meet mine. "Colby I believe you." I say softly as I smile as well. Colby furrows his eyebrows a bit as if he remembered something. "Sam told me you went to Brennen's that night." I nod admittingly and I let go of him, Colby took away his hand from mine. "I promise we didn't do anything. I don't do rebounds Colby." I say keeping my tone of voice calm. Colby nods understandingly and he placed a hand on my leg. "I believe you." He smile and I smile back.

Colby inches in slowly, my heart moves me before my mind can comprehend what's happening. I flutter my eyes closed and I feel a soft pair of lips press against mine. Colby cups my face and the cold metal of his rings press against my heated face. When the need for air forced us apart I opened my eyes to see a beautiful pair of eyes opening to look back into mine.

I smile slightly and Colby does as well. "Does that mean you're my girlfriend again?" Colby asks lightheartedly and I chuckle a bit. "Sure Colby." I grin and Colby smiles excitedly and crashes his lips against mine, his kiss less passionate as last time but filled with excitement and love. He pulls away and he cheers excitedly. I laugh and I speak up, "Colby we should get to bed."

"I know a way that can make us fall asleep pretty quick." Colby winks and I lightly hit his arm. "Oh my god Colby!" I laugh and crawl into bed, Colby following my actions. "I'm kidding!" He laughs and I roll my eyes. "Okay whatever perv." I say as I face away from him. I feel Colby's breath on my neck as he places an arm around me. He laughs and whispers, "I'm so glad you're mine Y/N." Colby then kisses my cheek and I smile.

"I'm glad to be your's Colby."


Is it just me or is that last lil part cute?

Sincerely- Brin

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