[1] Landing the Job

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"Thank you for applying, you've offically recieved the job." I read on my computer screen. "Yes!" I yell excitedly.

"Yes yes yes!" I say as I jump around. My first job ever and I nailed it. I hurrily sit back down at my computer to read the rest of the email. "We have bought you tickets and will be flying you out here by tomorrow. Bringing you here by the afternoon."

"Oh shit." I whisper and bolt up. This is my first job and I'm moving. I need to pack a LOT. I hurry and grab my suit cases and I begin to pack. That is until I heard a few taps on my bedroom door.

"Uh Y/N what in the hell are you doing?" My mother asks and I whip around to face her. I gulp, "Well, uh mom... I landed that managing job in L.A." I grin confidently and my mom narrows her eyes at me.

"So then what are you doing?" She asks pointing to my suitcases. I take another large gulp, "Uh, I'm packing... to move to... L.A...." I get quieter as I mumble the last bit of my sentence.

"Y/N what the hell, so you're abandoning your family to go live with- with a bunch of strangers?!" She flails her arms angrily and I back up.

"Mom, I'm not abandoning anyone, I'll still keep in contact and I'll visit on holidays. But this is good money and a good job." I try to reassure her.

My mom just growls and storms away, I bite my lip anxiously. I continue to pack a bit more quieter than early so I don't have to deal with any complaints.

[The next day]

I wake up to a bright, sunshine filled room. I smile to myself remembering events from yesterday. I looked at my alarm clock to see how much time I had before my flight left.

'One more hour until it leaves.' I smile at myself and then I gasp and get out of bed "One more hour until it leaves!" I freak out and grab my plenty of suitcases.

Then another thought came to my mind 'How am I going to get to the airport? My mom practically hates me now.' I groan and then build up a little courage.

I walk into the living room, specifically to the couch my dad sits at. "Uhm.. Dad." I poke him to get his attention.

He glances up from his phone "Oh Y/N, mom told me you were leaving today. I'm proud of you, don't mind your mother she will cool off eventually." He smile and I sigh in relief.

"Well, dad, uh I kinda need a ride to the airport." I grin sheepishly and he nods and stands up. "Sure thing darling, let me just go slip on some shoes." He smiles and me and walks away to go get his shoes.

I cheer internally and I then go and grab my bundles of suitcases. I glance around my room once more- well now mostly empty room.

I sigh and then grab a few suitcases. I head downstairs and then plop them at the end of the stairs. I run up and go grab my last set.

When I get downstairs I notice my suitcases I had previously placed down are gone. I furrow my eyebrow and look around as I feel panic rising into my chest. I grip tightly onto the handles of my other suitcases, until I see my dad packing my suitcases in the trunk of the car for me. I sigh in relief, I then grab my shoes and put them on.

[At the airport]

"Have a safe trip Y/N." My dad smiles and I hug him. "Thank you dad." I say sincerely. I check the time on my phone. "Okay I really gotta go now." I laugh a bit and my dad smiles, he pats me on the back and I walk off with my many suitcases.

Manage Me// Colby Brock X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now