[4] eXPLoRe

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I woke up to scuffling and I opened my eyes. I sat up and looked around, 'Generic hotel room.' Was my first thought.

I looked in the direction of the noise to see Colby and Sam both on the couch chuckling and watching something on their phone. They were moving around a lot and trying really hard not to bust out laughing.

Then they both look over at me and give me an embarassed look. I just laugh at them and they go back to what they were watching.

I get up and I see my suitcase is on the other side of the bed. Sam puts away his phone and they talk about some funny video they were watching.

I begin to remember last night I smirked to myself as I wasn't looking at them.

"Hey guys?" I ask and turn around. I had an outfit folded in my hand after getting out of my suitcase.

They both look up at me questionably. "How did I get here last night?" I ask scratching the back of my head.

"Uh well you see.." Colby began and Sam just snickered. "You were kinda asleep so we carried you up here." Colby said as he looked over at Sam.

Sam snapped his head to Colby. "You mean YOU carried her up here!" He pointed at Colby and I could see the shades of Colby's face get a deeper red every moment.

Sam turned to me "He was strong enough so I made him." Sam rolled his eyes. I laughed nervously but at Sam's last sentence my heart dropped a little.

"Uhm I'm gonna go get ready." I smile and leave to the bathroom. I heard a whisper from Colby as I was walking away "Dude!" He whisper/yelled. It sounded like he shoved Sam as well as Sam just let out an airy laugh.

After I finish getting ready I leave the bathroom and walk out to see them still on the couch. "So you guys have your interview thing in an hour and a half, I say we go get some breakfast yeah?" I say turning off my phone and putting it in my pocket. The boys cheer and race to the door.

I laugh and follow behind them, I slip on my shoes and we leave our hotel room.

[An hour later]

I was driving the boys to the location of the interview while they sung their hearts out to a song on the radio. I laughed as I pulled into the parking lot.

"Okay we have a bit, lets just go in and see what they're up to." I suggest and they agree.

We get out of the car and lock it. I hand the keys to Colby and we all walk into the studio.

As we walk in a bearded man with glasses walks up to us. "Colby! Sam! So good to finally meet you two." He smiles and shakes their hands.

"And you're their new manager, Y/N correct?" He asks me and I nod and smile while shaking his hand.

"Alright so we have a few games were going to play, there are questions so if we can just run by them with you that would be great. I have my crew setting up the cameras and such." I nod and he takes us to a back room.

After a few mintues of going through and confirming or denying questions the boys are led to the camera room while I stay behind the scenes. They go through and answer the questions we had gone over. They played a bit or Never Have I Ever and as soon as that was over we said our goodbyes and left.

Colby unlocked his car and got in the driving seat. I sat in the back while Sam sat in the passenger seat.

"Alright, so I think we should go grab lunch and then head to that abandoned place Y/N found?" Sam suggests and we all agree. We stopped by a Carl's Jr. for lunch and ate for about an hour, just talking and eating.

Sam looks at the time. "Okay should we head over? Maybe we can scope the place out a bit from the car." Sam mentions we all nod in agreement.

After sitting in the car for awhile I hear Colby say "Hey there it is!" I sit up and look out my window, I see at least a two story facility that was clearly abandoned.

"Hey wait thats the side of the fence we need to get in through on the left." I point as I take in the details of the facility.

"I'll park at the gas station and we'll do the intro there." Colby says as he turns into a gas station parking lot.

After Colby parks we all get out and Colby goes to the trunk as he had popped it open from the front.

Colby grabbed his equipment, including the camera, tripod, black masks, a hoodie that was XPLR merch and a few other things.

After everything was set up Colby started recording.

"Whats up! It's Sam and Colby and today we're in Arizona. We're going into an abandoned insane asylum." Colby starts off.

Colby had handed me a hoodie that was an XPLR brand and Sam continued.

"But before we continue we have a special guest that is wearing our new merch!" Sam says and I take it as a cue to pop into frame.

I do jazz hands and Colby continues. "So if you don't already know who this is, this is Y/N and she is our new manager." Colby smiles and I wave "Hey guys." I cheerfully say.

"Alright shall we get this started?" Sam asks and Colby and I both nod.

Sam grabs the camera and we look around. With no one really around we run across the street. The sun was near its setting point so by the time we would leave it would be dark.

"Oh damn!" Colby exclaims. "What?" Sam questions him, Sam turns around pointing the camera at Colby.

"I left the Ouija board in the trunk." Colby groans. "Yeah hell no to that, I wouldn't have played it anyways." I add in.

Sam laughs and Colby chuckles. We continue to sneakily- not so sneakily go to the abandoned facility.

"Okay Y/N you know where to enter right?" Sam asks and I give a hum in response. I lead them to the fence where someone said it was cut into.

There is was, a hole in the fence. I pointed it out and the boys both quietly cheered.

"So Y/N since you did all the research, what do you know about this place?" Colby asks and Sam points the camera at me.

"Well, it opened in the early 1800's and was shut down, it reopened as a hospital in the mid 1900's but then was shut down again. It was reported the hospital had too many deaths to keep open." I see Sam zoom in the camera lens on me. "Why so many deaths?" He asked and I explained "Most nurses that worked here said the deaths were very unexplainable. They would say the patient would be completely healthy one day and then the next they were dead."

"Damn.." Colby said and Sam turned the camera to him. We all stood there for a moment in the silence and then Colby sighed. "Lets just do this guys." He said and we all began to climb through a broken window.

"Holy shit this place is massive." Sam said as he looked around with the camera in hand.

"What do you think we'll find?" Colby asks as he looks at me.


Hopefully you enjoyed and if you did please vote, comment, or do both to lemme know!

And no the title is not supposed to look like a 13 yr old boy is hitting puberty with a voice crack, if you take out the caps from the word it may or may not spell XPLR ;)

Sincerely- Brin

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