[5] Terrible Idea

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We looked around, seeing large amounts of graffiti. "Maybe this place isn't too heavily guarded because of all of the graffiti." I mention and both Colby and Sam agree.

"Oh man.. look at what I found." Colby pointed down a doorway but when Sam and I got closer we noticed it was a flight of concrete stairs downwards.

"The basement." Sam whispered. "We should leave the best for last." I snicker and Colby smiles. "Yeah I agree." Colby says.

"Lets finish looking around on this floor first." Sam says and we all nod.

We walk around in our small group of three, checking out the rooms. Most of them looked like offices.

Colby and Sam were standing in the main hallway deciding where to go next. One room in particular caught my eye. Something shiny was inside and I had assumed we hadn't looked in this room yet.

I slipped away from Colby and Sam and walked into the room. I looked around and the first thing that caught my eye was a painted pentagram on the floor and I rolled my eyes. "Of course." I sighed and pulled out my phone. I turned on the light and began to record.

"I don't think Sam, Colby, and I have seen this room yet. They're not with me because they're in the main hallway..." I say and I point my camera out to the hallway. "Uh well they were... But I really want to figure out what reflective thing I saw in here earlier..." I mention as I point my camera in the directions my eyes look at.

In some rubble in the corner something reflective appeared out of the corner of my eye. "Wait hold on." I said as I knelt down and grabbed the reflective thing. "This probably isn't sanitary but oh well."

I had picked up an oval locket and I decided to open it up. "Whoa a locket?" I questioned as I pointed my camera in it. Inside were two small pictures of a lady and a baby. "Hm.. this has really been preserved well." I comment as I inspect it a bit.

I feel a cold gust of wind blow over my shoulder and I turn around. "What the hell?" I say and no one appears to be there.

"Thats.. so weird.. I felt a weird cold gust of wind on my shoulder." I say and I turn back around. "Maybe it was just from the window." I say aloud, trying to reassure myself.

I put the locket back where I found it and thats when I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Yeah?" I ask as I am closing the locket with one hand and my phone in the other.

No one answers but I feel another tap on my shoulder. "What?" I ask as I get up and turn around. "Yo what the hell... I swear I felt someone tapping my shoulder." I feel goosebumps arise on my skin.

I point the camera at my skin. "I literally have the chills right now.." I say, my voice becoming more shakey each moment.

"Colby... S-Sam?" I question as I walk closer towards the exit of the room. The door suddenly slams shut and I scream.

I back away and continue to record, I'm sure it wasn't the best visuals.

"COLBY!" I shreik in terror and I hear running. The door busts open with Colby on the other side, Sam close behind recording. I end the recording on my phone and I try to speak but my whole body was shaking and I was starting to cry.

"I was by myself and I found something and then I felt t-taps and-" I say very rushed. Colby places his hands on my shoulders as I felt hot tears slide down my face.

Sam was still recording and Colby turned to him. "Yo put the camera down." Colby says sternly and Sam quickly shuts it off.

"Y/N I need you to calm down and tell me what happened okay?" Colby says calmly and I look up at him shaking in fear.

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