[13] Is It Safe To Call You Mine?

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I hadn't seen Colby for most the day until he came downstairs for medicine for his hang over.

I was sitting in the living room with Kat as we were on our phones. When I heard Colby come downstairs I stayed silent and Kat caught on after a minute. Colby was in the kitchen for a few minutes until we heard the padding of his feet against the hard floor and it got closer and closer to the room.

"Kat have you seen-" he stops mid sentence as he looks at me when he enters the room. Kat gulps and stands up, "I uh, I'm gonna go and talk to Sam." She smiles and scurries away.

"Y/N I'm sorry." Colby begins and I sigh. "Why? Why did you do it?" I say as I stand up. I was done running and I was going to let him explain.

"I got frustraited Y/N.. I know if I was sober things would have gone different. I wouldn't have punched him." Colby explains. I look down and then back up at him. "Colby that's your best friend. That's Brennen you've known him so much longer than me." I explain, I didn't know why Colby did what he did especially because we weren't even dating.

"I know Y/N, I know. But, I don't know I just got so goddamn jealous... and I should have asked you earlier but..  Would you be my girlfriend?" He smiles uncertainly.

I bite my lip, "On one condition."

[One hour later]

"I'm sorry I punched you in the face." Colby apologized to Brennen. Brennen had a pretty bad bruise on his cheek but he hugged Colby. "It's alright man. I'm really sorry I did that shit to Y/N I was drunk off my ass and so that wasn't cool." I smiled and shrugged. "It happens." They all smiled.

"Well I'm glad this has all been resolved. I guess you two could say you're closer than ever." I smile and they laugh and agree.

"We probably should get going so you can rest up." Colby says and Brennen nods. We say our goodbyes and we leave. As we're walking to the car I feel Colby take my hand and intertwine his fingers with mine. "I'm proud of you." I smile up at him and he grins back.

We sit in the car and Colby starts it. "So you're offically my girlfriend?" Colby asks giddily and I laugh. "Well you kept your promise so I guuuessss I have to keep mine." I grin and Colby rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Good, I'm taking you out to dinner then." Colby smiles and he holds my hand while driving with the other.

I hear a loud screeching and I look out my side of the window where I hear the noise coming from. A car was racing right for us and the last thing I scream was "Colby!" With a gasp.




I heard faint sirens as the noises were fading in and out. "Hello? Miss?" I heard someone say and it all went dark again.

Darkness surrounded me. "Hello? Hello?" I looked around. I saw light peering out from a corner. I walked to it and looked into the light. I shielded my eyes until they adjusted.

"Y/N?" I hear a familiar voice and I look to my left. "Haylee?" I ask. My best friend- basically my sister I hadn't seen in 3 years, before I met my toxic friend was standing in front of me. However, Haylee had died 3 years ago after drowning in a lake we would both swim at a lot during the summer.

"How? How are you here? You're dead." I ask as I am still standing in the dark.

"Aren't you too?" She asked and I furrowed my eyebrows. Behind Haylee was a beautiful medow with a large tree, where we used to hang out after school. It looked so beautiful compared to the darkness I stood in.

"I don't think so." I say as I look behind myself. "Then why are you here?" She asked and I looked back at her. "I don't really know." I pondered for a moment. "Haylee is this death?" I whispered almost scared.

"Yes." She replied and I looked at her and then the background. "Is it beautiful?" I ask and she nodded.

"Y/N I miss you." She sighs and I sigh as well. "I miss you a lot Haylee." I frown.

She extends her arm out to me. "Y/N I think it's a choice." She says and I look behind myself.

A choice between life or death?

I begin to extend my arm out to her as she was the only safety I knew at this moment. That was until I heard a large and extended beep, it sounded like a flatline from behind myself.

"Haylee if this is a choice-" I begin and she tilts her head. "Then I can't go with you. I love someone in my life." I say sadly but I smile sadly as well.

"I know. Colby." She replies and drops her arm. "It's okay I'll be waiting." She smiles. "I'm still here for you." She places a finger on my chest. "But in here." Then light began to beam from my chest. "Bye Y/N, I love you bestie." She smiles and waves. I begin to cry. "I love you too Haylee." I smile and everything goes white.

"Beep... Beep... Beep..."

I flutter my eyes open to a bright and white room. The smell of a sterile hospital fills my nose. My eyes adjust and I look around. I see a figure slumped in a seat, he had bruises and scrapes on him, bandages were on his face.

I recognised the boy with rings, and a nose piercing, I knew the brown hair that was flipped to the side.

"Colby?" I let out a whisper. He shot up his head and I looked into the hopeful piercing blue eyes I know.

"Oh my god Y/N!" Colby says and he shoots up and walks over, he gently hugs me.

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Oh my god Y/N I've missed you." He says, his eyes filling with tears.

"I'm good Colby." I say trying to sit up but a large pain shot through my right side.

"Y/N just lay down okay? You're really hurt." He says as he helps me gently lay down.

"What happened Colby?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows. Colby sighed and sat at the end of my bed. He intertwined his fingers with mine. "Some completely idiot LA driver ran through a red light at a pretty high speed. He crashed into the back of my car. It was on your side so you were injured way more than me." He looks into my eyes with worry. "You've been in a coma for about a week and you flatlined once." His voice cracked on the word 'flatlined'

"Haylee.." I whispered and he turned his head. "What?" He asked and I shook my head. "When can I leave?" I ask and Colby shrugs. "I don't really know." He says and he looks up and out into the hallway.

Colby then gets up and goes to the hallway "Doctor, she's awake." Then Colby and a man dressed in scrubs and a white coat comes in. "Ma'am how are you?" He asks and I shrug. "A bit of pain." I answer honestly and he holds up a clipboard.

"That makes sense, I'm doctor Parker. Do you remember your name?" He says looking back at me. "My name is Y/N L/N." The doctor smiles and nods. He checks off something on his clipboard. "Do you know what day it is?" I furrow my eyebrows. "No.." I say as I look at Colby.

"Thats just fine, do you recognize the nice young man next to you?" I smile and nod as I look at Colby in his beautiful blue eyes. "My boyfriend Colby Brock."

"Well done Y/N, I'll come back with follow up questions. But for now I'd like to explain to you your injuries."

The doctor explained I had three broken ribs and 23 stitched wounds. He said I'd be released tonight if I passed simple follow up questions.

Later that day I was discharged from the hospital, along with stitches and a big cast wrapped around my torso for my ribs.


Manage Me// Colby Brock X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin