[22] Lost You

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My thoughts were mainly of Colby. Occasionally I thought about the others, like Corey, Sam, Kat, Devyn, Jake, and Aaron. I thought of all the great things they had done for me and the unique qualities they had as individuals. I thought I might as well spend my last moments thinking about my best friends.

Never ending tears trailed down my face, from fear, anger, and the fact I'd never be able to see my friends again. 'Why me?' The thought popped into my head. 'Why me specifically be kidnapped? Did the people know Colby or Sam? Or was it karma to me for breaking up with Colby?' My heart ached at Colby's name that raced through my head.

"Colby." I whispered and I let out a choked sob. "Shut it." One of the kidnappers snapped and I closed my mouth and refrained from bursting out crying. 'Why am I not dead yet? Why don't they just get it over with!?' I nearly screamed in my head.

"I see them." One kidnapped said and I furrowed my eyebrows 'See who?' I questioned in my head and a seperate kidnapper replied. "Keep her here, if she tries to run you know what to do. Watch the corners for cops." He planned out and more questions raced through my head.

'Were they kidnapping someone else? Are they meeting with someone?' I became frustraited with the endless questions without answers that flowed through my mind. "Where is she?" I heard a distant voice say. I perked up because I knew that voice. "Colby." I said and I felt someone grab my arm forcefully. I was then dragged out of the van, except I couldn't see where I was going because of the cloth still wrapped around my eyes.

My legs ached from sitting for so long and I felt as if they were going to give out. "Y/N!" I heard Colby yell and I cried in relief of hearing his voice. "Colby!" I yelled. I heard a sob from him as well, my heart ached at his cries. I was then pushed to my knees.

"Colby do you know what it's like to lose someone you love?" A familiar kidnapper voice I had heard before asked. "No.. No! Please don't! You've got your money now let her go!" Colby screamed and I felt something press against my temple. "Colby?" I asked and my heart raced, I was hoping what I was thinking wasn't true.

"Y/N it's going to be okay, please let her go!" Colby yelled. I then heard yelling and shuffling. I heard a gunshot and instant pain came to my right arm. I screamed and fell to the ground. I felt arms wrap around me and drag me away. I screamed as I tried to escape the grasp. "Y/N! Y/N It's me I've got you!" Colby said as there was more gunfire. I felt my blindfold being ripped off and I opened my eyes to see Colby's panicked blue eyes in front of mine.

He grabbed me and we ran to a black car he opened the door and we got in. I groaned in pain as Colby said "She's been shot." The car started moving and I was losing consiousness slowly. "Colby." I said and he whipped his head to me worryingly. I grabbed his face and crashed my lips into his, as if it were the last thing I'd ever do.

I pulled away to see his eyes watering and I brushed my thumb against his cheek until I felt the darkness swallow me whole.


I smelt the same familiar sterile smell. I opened my eyes and looked around. My instant thought was 'Colby' So I called his name, "Colby? Colby!" I breathed out and I felt a hand on my arm. "Y/N I'm right here." I saw a familiar brunette with blue eyes before me. I let out a hefty sigh. "Oh my god Colby." I said and he smiled reassuringly. I hugged him until pain shot through my arm. I hissed in pain and Colby pulled away and looked at me worryingly.

"Are you okay?" Colby asked me worryingly and I nodded as I remembered my injury. "I-I'm fine." I say as I situate myself in the uncomfortable hospital bed.

I look back over at Colby and he seems to be lost at thought while looking at me. "Colby?" I ask and Colby blinks rapidly, as if to get rid of the tears forming in his eyes yet they fall anyways.

"I could have lost you." He whispers. My heart seemingly drops at his words and I place a hand on his cheek. "No Colby-" I begin but he cuts me off and he makes direct eye contact with me. "Y/N I let you go. I let you go for the wrong reasons and I am so sorry." Colby said wholeheartedly. I let my hand slide from his face and onto my lap. Tears fell from Colby's beautiful blue eyes. 

I laced my fingers with Colby and squeeze his hand reassuringly. "Colby I'm here now and that's all that matters okay?" I say searching for his eyes but he wouldn't look at me. "With what Shea did, I just can't forgive myself for what she did to you." Colby says shakily. 

"Colby, I- I don't know what happened between you and her, and I will accept you guys for-" Colby cut me off by shaking his head "No Y/N we're not like that. Or at least I'm not like that with Shea. I don't know how long she's felt that way for me but I have NEVER felt that way about her. Y/N I've loved so few people in my life and for every one I have loved I will continue to think about them daily, you are one of those few I have ever loved."

I looked up at Colby with watering eyes as he spoke. Just then the door opened, Sam and Kat walked in first. "Oh my god." Was the first thing I heard Kat say. I smile sadly at her, "I'm okay." I reassure her as she sits down on the oppisite side of Colby on the hospital bed.

"Y/N I am so sorry about what happened to you that is crazy." Kat says as she holds my hand reassuringly.

"Yeah, it was kinda scary." I say as I awkwardly look down. "Yeah, well we have you discharged so whenever you're ready." Sam smiled at me and I raised an eyebrow at him. "No no! Not like that, no one's in a rush I swear. I just thought when you woke up you'd wanna just be out of here." Sam explained in a rush.

I chuckled and nodded. "Thank you Sam, and yeah I really just wanna get out of here." I sigh and Sam nods. "I'll go get a nurse to unhook you." He says motioning to the IV in my arm. I nod and Colby leaves with Sam, leaving Kat and I alone. "Y/N, I totally get if you're not alright, that shit is totally scary and-" I place a hand on her arm. "Kat I'm fine, I just need to heal and such okay? It was very terrifiying yeah but I really don't want to think about it right now." I sigh and she gulps and nods.

"Where is she?!" I hear a familiar voice yell and I freeze up. "Y/N what's wrong?" Kat asks and just then my hospital room door swings open. "Oh Y/N! I heard you were injured and I just had to come over and see you!" My ex bestfriend says as she walks over and hugs me.

"What the hell?"


Welp this was VERY intresting to write. Please v, c, or b ( if you don't know what that means look at my last A/N on the last chapter lmao)

Sincerely- Brin

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