Chapter 18: Visits Are Awkward

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The group of angels, hunters, and nephilim split up shortly after.

Lucifer remained in the bunker's main room with Jack and Balthazar, the latter having been assigned the role of keeping an eye on Satan to make sure he didn't do anything, well, Satanic.

Sam had dragged Gabriel by the ear into the hunter's room, and while the Trickster had made several innuendos, he only ended up getting into a long drawn out discussion on how Gabriel was a horrible person and how he didn't deserve another chance with Sam even though he really wanted one.

Anna was waiting patiently in the library, examining the lore books while she waited for Dean, who had promised to talk to her after catching up with Cas. Because Cas was at least four times more important than Anna was, and Dean had missed his boyfriend.

Speaking of Destiel, they were currently in Dean's room as Cas recounted how he had made his way back to them.

"So, Crowley's alive too," Dean questioned. Cas nodded.

"And he's already reclaimed his throne." Dean sighed.

"Fine. He's still better than Asmodeus."

"He's family and you know it."

"Just because I know it doesn't mean I'll admit it." He paused. "Does Rowena know?"

"I don't think so, unless he has informed her in the last couple of hours."

"I'll add it to the list of calls I have to make."

"Calls to who?" Cas tilted his head and Dean smiled.

"Well, Jodi and the rest of the girls should know you're alive again, shouldn't they?"

"I didn't realize you had told them I died."

"Yeah, Jodi kinda hates us in that aspect. We call her every few months and just be like Hey, by the way, we're dead again. Call her back six months later, scratch that, he's alive again. Carry on."

"No wonder she says you give her gray hair." Dean grinned and ruffled the angel's hair.

"It's good to have you back, buddy."

"It's good to be back," Cas smiled. "Oh, and Benny says hello."

"Yeah? How's he holding up?"

"Happy as he can be in Purgatory. He doesn't seem to regret his choice to stay there, so that's good I suppose."

"Yeah," Dean's smiled faded. "Son of a bitch, I have to go talk to Anna now, don't I?"

"Yes you do."

"What do I tell her?"

"I don't know. What do you normally tell girls when you have a one night stand with them and then proceed to date their older brother?"

"....You know, that has only happen one other time, and I solved it by ditching town, smashing my phone, changing the fake name I used, and switching the Impala's license plates, just in case."

"You have a remarkable way with dealing with your problems, Dean."

"I know." He sighed. "Here goes nothing." He turned towards the door.

"Wait!" He paused and Cas got up and pressed a kiss to his lips. "M'kay, you're good."

"What was that for?" Cas shrugged.

"Good luck? Just cause? In case my sister smites you? I don't know."

"Glad to see you have so much faith in me."

"I've seen you interact with women before, Dean- Hell, I've seen you interact with me. You need all the luck you can get."

"Hey, I am very responsible when it comes to-"

"The Amazon Warrior ring a bell?"


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