Thanos - The Mad Titan

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1. "The end is near."

2. " Stark... you have my respect. I hope the people of Earth will remember you."

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3. "You should have gone for the head."

4. "I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives. Or should I say, I have."

5. " I ignored my destiny once, I can not do that again. Even for you. I'm sorry Little one."

6. Thanos: "Daughter."

Gamora: "Did you do it?"

Thanos: "Yes."

Gamora: "What did it cost?"

Thanos: "Everything."

7. "No resurrections this time."

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8. "The hardest choices require the strongest will."

9. "You should choose your words wisely!"

10. "The Tesseract... or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference?"

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