Mortal Instruments - Part 1

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1.  " If you were half as funny as you thought you were, my boy, you'd be twice as funny as you are."

- Madame Dorothea

2.  "He'll tell you horrible truths, but he won't lie." She paused before she added quietly."That's why it's generally better not to ask him anything unless you know you can stand to hear the answer."


3.  "I was trying to save him some pain.Isabelle will cut out his heart and walk all over it in high-heeled boots.That's what she does to boys like that."


4. "To love is to destroy and that to be loved is to be destroyed."


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5. Clary : " Is this the part where you start tearing off strips of your shirts to bind my wounds?"

Jace : "If you wanted me to rip my clothes off, you should have just asked."

6.  " Just because you call an electric eel a rubber duck doesn't make it a rubber duck , does it? And God help the poor bastard who decides they want to take a bath with the duckie."

- Jace

7.  " What's this?" he demanded, looking from Clary to his companions,as if they might know what she was doing there.

"It's a girl," Jace said,recovering his composure."Surely you've seen girls before,Alec. Your sister Isabelle is one."

8.  "Have you fallen in love with the wrong person yet?'

Jace said, "Unfortunately, Lady of the Haven, my one true love remains myself."
..."At least," she said, "you don't have to worry about rejection, Jace Wayland."
"Not necessarily. I turn myself down occasionally, just to keep it interesting."  

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9. "Don't touch any of my weapons without my permission."

"Well, there goes my plan for selling them all on eBay," Clary muttered.
"Selling them on what?"

Clary smiled blandly at him. "A mythical place of great magical power."

10. "Can I help you with something?"

Clary turned instant traitor against her gender. "Those girls on the other side of the car are staring at you."

Jace assumed an air of mellow gratification. "Of course they are," he said, "I am stunningly attractive."

11. "You guessed? You must have been pretty sure, considering you could have killed me."

"I was ninety percent sure."
"I see," Clary said. There must have been something in her voice, because he turned to look at her. Her hand cracked across his face, a slap that rocked him back on his heels. He put his hands on his cheek, more in surprise than pain.
"What the hell was that for?"

"The other ten percent."

12. "Investigation?" Isabelle laughed. "Now we're detectives? Maybe we should all have code names."

"Good idea," said Jace. "I shall be Baron Hotschaft Von Hugenstein."

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13. "Declarations of love amuse me. Especially when unrequited." 

- Jace Wayland 

14. "A diary with no drawings of me in it? Where are the torrid fantasies? The romance covers?"

- Jace

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