X-men (2000)

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1. Logan/Wolverine: There's someone here.

Scott/Cyclops: Where?

Logan/Wolverine: I don't know. Keep your eye open.

2.  Professor Charles X Xavier:  Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.

3. Professor Charles X Xavier: Where are you going?

Logan/Wolverine:To find her.

Storm : How?

Logan/Wolverine: The traditional way: look!

4.  Storm :   Help us! Fight with us!

Logan/Wolverine: Fight with you! Join the team? Be an X-Man? Who the hell do you think you are? You're a mutant. The whole world out there is full of people who hate and fear you and you're wasting your time trying to protect them? I've got better things to do!

 The whole world out there is full of people who hate and fear you and you're wasting your time trying to protect them? I've got better things to do!

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5. Eric/ Magento: Are you a God-fearing man, Senator? That is such a strange phrase. I've always thought of God as a teacher; a bringer of light, wisdom, and understanding. You see, I think what you really fear is me. Me and my kind. The Brotherhood of Mutants. Oh, it's not so surprising really. Mankind has always feared what it doesn't understand. Well, don't fear God, Senator, and certainly don't fear me. Not any more.

[goes to activate his machine]

Senator Kelly: What are you going to do?

Eric/ Magento:  Let's just say, God works too slow.

6. Dr. Jean Grey: "I think you'll be comfortable here."

Logan/Wolverine: "Where's your room?"

Dr. Jean Grey:   "With Scott, down the hall."

Logan/Wolverine:   "Is that your gift? Putting up with that guy?"

Dr. Jean Grey:   "Actually, I'm telekinetic. I can move things with my mind."

Logan/Wolverine:   "Really? What kind of things?"

Dr. Jean Grey:   [shuts closet doors behind him with her mind] "All kinds of things. I also have some telepathic ability."

Logan/Wolverine:   "Like the Professor?"

Dr. Jean Grey:   "Nowhere near that powerful. But he's teaching me to develop it."

Logan/Wolverine:   "I'm sure he is. So read my mind."

Dr. Jean Grey:   "I'd rather not."

Logan/Wolverine:   "C'mon. You afraid you might like it?"

Dr. Jean Grey:   "I doubt it."  


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7.  Logan/Wolverine: "Magneto's right: there is a war coming. Are you sure you're on the right side?"

Storm: "At least I've chosen a side."  

8. Bobby: "Welcome to Mutant High."

9. Professor Charles X Xavier:   "Ah, Logan. I'd like you to meet Orono Monroe, also called Storm. This is Scott Summers, also called Cyclops. They saved your life. I believe you already know Dr. Jean Grey. You are in my School for the Gifted for Mutants. You'll be safe here from Magneto."

Logan/Wolverine: "What's a Magneto?"

Professor Charles X Xavier:   "A very powerful mutant. He believes that a war is brewing between mutants and the rest of humanity. I've been following his activities for some time. The man who attacked you is an associate of his called Sabertooth."

Logan/Wolverine:   "Sabertooth?" [looks at Storm] "Storm." [looks at Xavier] "What do they call you? 'Wheels'? This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

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