Chapter 14~

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Katherine's POV
Mark and I sat down on the only two empty seats and the class begun.

I had noticed that Professor Lupin had been complimenting Venessa a whole lot. I also noticed Alex's Bitter and confused expression.

'Do I see a jealous Alexander?' I smirked to myself.

"Ms. Potter! What are you smirking about?" Asked Professor Lupin.

I mentally roll my eyes and thought for a comeback. I pursed my lips, before talking.

"A idea for a story came into my head," I answered causally.

"Well, I need you to pay more attention!" Exclaimed Professor Lupin as he turned on his heel and continued Teaching.

I roll my eyes mentally and tried my best not to roll my eyes physically.

The class ended and all the students got up.

Once Mark and I left the class with Venessa and Alex. We were met with lots and lots of scolding.

'Ugh, I don't care if I was late!'

As They were both scolding me, Mark had mumbled something aloud for them to hear.

"You two are already parents," Mumbled Mark.

Venessa and Alex stopped dead in their track and started blushing.

"Excuse me!" The both yelled as they turned on their heels and walked to the great hall for lunch.

Mark and I bursted into laughter and followed our 'parents.'

We got the Great hall and sat down. We grabbed plates and began piling our plates with some food.

Once we all had our food, We began talking and eating. 

{A/N: Don't worry! Not in a disgusting way! They are All too polite, unlike Ron}

"I can't believe Professor Lupin gave you two detention! On the first day!" Exclaimed Venessa.

"I can't believe Professor Lupin gave us a lesson! On the first day!" Mumbled Mark, mocking Venessa in the process.

"Its Hogwarts Mark," Stated Alex strictly," For sure they'll give us lessons on the first day."

"Why do you two act like our parents?" I grumbled irritatedly.

"Because, someone has to be the dependable person! To keep you two from being a Hot Mess!" Explained Venessa, while pursing her lips.

"Speaking about Being a Hot Mess, You two really looked like it. You should be a bit more careful next time, or else people might think wrongly," Warned Alex, Smirking slightly.

Mark and I blushed and looked away from them and each other.

"Oh My Merlin! Look at the Slytherin Prince! He's so adorable when he blushes!!" A Girl from Hufflepuff fangirl(ed.)

"I wanna make him blush," Mumbled a Girl aloud.

"To bad He's with the Slytherin Princess," Said another girl, sighing.

'Since when was Mark popular with the girls here?'

"You okay Katherine?" Asked Venessa, making Alex and Mark look at me.

"Yeah, Yeah! I'm fine! Just thinkin'," I answered.

"About?" Smirked Alex.

"Oh Nothing! Just about the day so far!" I smiled.

"If you say so," Said Venessa as went back to her conversation with Alex.

Mark had also joined their conversation.

I pretty much zoned out, stuck in my thoughts.

Lunch had ten more minutes left, so I decided to through the halls, since we have a free period after lunch.

I got up and looked at the three and smiled.

"Y'all, Ima go explore, seems like a day to go explore," I smiled and left the Great Hall somehow earning some looks as I leave and whispers.

I have my bag strap oh shoulder as I walked through the corridors.

For some reasons, I wanted to go either the Courtyard or Quidditch pitch.

But, people say that the Quidditch Pitch during the Afternoon is a great time to be outside.

As I walked through the corridors, of course.. I had to see Professor Lupin walking slowly through the corridors.

"Ms. Potter, Shouldn't you be at the Great Hall?" Questioned Professor Lupin.

"Yes, But there are Ten minutes left and I finishes my food," I said, "also, I have a free period after lunch."

"Alright," He Replied," Where are you headed to?"

"Oh, just the Quidditch Pitch. Everyone says its a perfect time to be at the Quidditch Pitch right now," I Smiled.

"Okay, just be careful. There are Dementors guarding the school at the moment," He warned.

I nodded and he walked off. I just couldn't walking to the Quidditch Pitch.

Once I got there, it was more beautiful than what I expected.

Yes, I do have Quidditch Practice sometimes, but I'm way to focused on my Quidditch skills.

I ran through the grass with excitement, that I realized I had in me.

I saw some Hogwarts Brooms are laying next to the Audience seats, so I decided to take a broom to fly on.

Though, I had to be careful. What Professor Lupin said was true. I put my bag on the ground, next to the Hogwarts brooms and only took out my wand and put it in my Robes' Pocket.

I mount my broom and I got on it and flew up. I went Higher and higher! It was a divine sight!

As I was viewing the extraordinary view, I suddenly heard a flying sound, as of someone was flying closely.

I turned around to see a dementor, I looked at it in the eye and almost immediately regretted doing that.

I felt like I soul was being sucked out of me.

I very slowly grabbed my wand from my pocket, but since my soul was getting sucked out of me, it was very hard to move my wrist and arm.

Suddenly, A Cold Breeze of wind hit me and my wand went diving down.

'This is it, Katherine Potter's Death! From a Stupid Faceless Flying item!'

I tried flying away, but it was terribly impossible. From there I knew it was my death.

'After this thing is done, Ima fall off my broom, not break my bones, but also break my broom too. If they revive me then I'll have to pay them.'

All of a Sudden, I hear a boy's voice scream something.

"Expecto Patronum!" He yelled as the Dementor flew away.

I felt myself falling, and falling.

As I fell, my vision turned into darkness, but only hearing another spell being shot.
Could I call this a Cliffhanger? Yes? Okay


So I've been Writing this since Sunday, because I don't have a tight schedule for school!

Word Count: 1073
Peace Out~

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