Dirty Short: Zayn! NO LONGER EDITING

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Being a woman is hard enough with the expectations society presses on us as young girls. The need to look fit and have the tiniest waist because Barbie has it, which makes her look beautiful. Every model has a thigh gap and nice curves yet no one stops to realize that even models don't have the same features in their magazine covers. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, because of this the people behind the magazines and tabloids cover up the imperfections of human nature and instead exchange it for their ideals of some make believe beauty. Just because you don't feel like the princess of your own story doesn't mean you're not the princess to save in someone else's |

Y/n stared at the screen of her computer in silence watching the cursor blink waiting and numb in the brain. She'd been typing this paper for hours stuck on her conclusion for her women's studies class.

'this is stupid'

"fucking shit" she groans as she deletes her last paragraph. She takes to slumping down and closing out the window and shutting her laptop. Her face is then met with her bed sheets.

"what's goin' on lovie?"

"nothin' Lou just working on my stupid essay for Ms. Kline" y/n says as she turns over and sets her laptop to the side on her dresser.

"got you wrapped up in knots I bet"

"Louis Tomlinson I will not join you in going to that sleazy massage shop just cause the girl there likes to give you bowies for fun"

"c'mon I already told you my mate Zayn works there and he's very modest and respectable girls hardly ever go, he's always rubbin' on old guys or overly muscular guys who apparently have no problem with a guy masseuse"

"what the hells that got to do with me?"

"your back is all twisted up and your stressed and that heating pad can only do so much" they were both quiet after what louis said y/n was waiting for the catch, what was louis' main reason for going ? she knew, she just wanted him to admit it. Zayn wasn't a bad guy at least to her knowledge, he was muscular and had some nice hands, one of the many times y/n had tripped in front of him he had caught her and she remembers the roughness in his movements.

"I don't know Lou m'pretty tired"

"oh for the love of all that is holy I'll pay for you, fucking stressed out my mind and I need this blowie. Need to get Zayn to stop talking about why I go there so much with out you"

"okay first off I'll go now second I didn't need to know you needed a blowie and third it's pretty fucking obvious to Zayn why you go so much, he's just being respectable"


"Louis" The lady behind the desk smiled toward Louis and y/n  but she really only saw Louis, when y/n saw the name tag said Stacy she understood why the red head had tunnel vision. From the moment They had stepped in Louis and Stacy stared at each other long and hard.
(Pun intended).

"I'm here for my usual walk-in appointment"

"back so soon?" Y/n rolled her eyes and ventured off to go and wait for him, reading one of the magazines provided, though a few pages were crumpled up and some where even ripped out.


she stands up a the sound of her name to find Zayn walking a rather old man out it makes her feel bad about not coming over before. When she sees Zayn it's like a new experience every time. His dark hair the long dark locks of hair she could grab on to, holding him in place, not because she needed to but because she knows he likes it. The thought of y/n getting her way with Zayn was exciting. Y/n was never one to force herself away from someone but she never wanted any sourness in Lou and Zee's friendship. So instead of leaning in to him and showing interest she keeps it innocent mostly. Some playful banter here and there but never crossing the friendly line. She thinks that's why he never really looks at her.

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