Scene 6 - Second Investigation

Start from the beginning

"The blue substance is Thirium, or blue blood as most humans prefer to call it. Since you are able to see it, it must have been lost by an android recently". I explained. She nodded then raised her eyebrow in confusion as I stuck two of my fingers into the substance and brought it to my mouth to analyse it.


MODEL WB200 #847 004 961 

Reported Missing - 10/11/2036

I took my hand away and looked at her, her face still as confused as before. She looked down at the blue blood again and put her finger in it. I don't think she was planning on putting it in her mouth but there's still a risk. The substance is used in red ice after all, and can cause harm to humans. I grabbed her hand gently and rubbed the blood off. 

"I don't think you want to eat that".

She nodded her head in agreement while I grabbed the LED from the side of the sink. From here, I heard Hank's frustrations in the living room because of the bird infestation. "Agh! Jesus I hate these things!"


Biocomponent #9301

Deactivated: 11/06/2038 - 11:36

Suspect is a deviant. 


I turned around to see what (Y/n) was looking at. I stood and glanced all around the bathroom walls to see rA9 written all over them. This deviant must be another follower of this so called 'android saviour'.

"I remember those signs" She said as she stepped towards them and slowly traced her hand along the wall. I became intrigued. How could she know who or what rA9 is?

"You've seen them before?" I questioned. She nodded and took her hand away from the markings and let it fall back down to her side.

"Yeah. In AP's room in my old house. I went in there once and found them underneath his bed. There was rA9 carved into the wooden floor boards and weird things written on the walls like 'They will save us. Freedom. I am alive' and stuff like that. I never went back in there again".

I stood shocked and processed the new found information. Maybe (Y/n) could help us a lot more than she knows.

Hank then walked into the room and glanced at the wall from top to bottom with wide eyes. "Any idea what it means?" He asked.

"rA9... written 2471 times...Why are they obsessed with this sign?..."

Hank then spotted something among the letters that I identified in the other rooms as well as this one. "Looks like mazes or something..." He added before leaving the room along with (Y/n).



I then spotted a stool to my right and decided to analyse it. I crouched down and began scanning.


Recently disturbed

Traces of avian fecal matter


Still wet - Used recently

Colour: Midnight mood [black]

🔓         🔲    RECONSTRUCT



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