Amber and Sanghyun married in California when the both of them are twenty-four. Sulli was said to marry with Minho. And Krystal, they found that she had left Korea with her sister and her parents. According to what they discovered, Krystal was actually married with Seokjin. Chen can’t even believe it when they heard it for the first time.

Jong-deok, which were Chen’s brother, he married with Victoria. They also have a son, and they named him as Daehyuk.

One day, the king called the four of them.

"Kim Taemin, Son Naeun, Kim Yoon-Hye and Kim Jong Dae. The four of you behaved well during this long time, and we decided that you could rebirth. The four of you could go and take the form and submit it before dawn." The king instructed.

"Jinjja?" Naeun asked herself happily.

Taemin hugged her and nodded happily. Chen frowned a bit.

"Hey, yeobo, aren’t you happy?" Jocelyn clung onto him and asked.

He loosens up as Jocelyn called him ‘yeobo’.

"I'm happy, jagiya…but that’s mean we’re going to separate again. I want to stay by your side. I want to be with you forever." He smiled sadly. Jocelyn cupped both of Chen’s cheek and lightly kissed him.

"Yeobo, we’ll meet again. Remember my letter?"

"Yeah. But…"

"Yeobo, stop worrying. Did you forgotten that we could choose our partner for our next life? Just enter my name and we'll be together again."

"Okay, yeobo. You’ll write my name too, right?"

"Yah, pabo, of course. I love you."

"Yeah, I know that. Saranghae, yeobo." Chen said and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

Chen pulled away. They turned and saw Taemin and Naeun were both tearing up. Taemin was hugging Naeun in his arms, and the both of them were crying. All of them were sad. Knowing that they’re going to rebirth, they’re actually happy, but that means that they’re going to separate.

Once they drink the soup and crossed the bridge, there’s no turning back again. They submitted the form and sat down to wait.

A guard came and said, "It’s time." They followed the guard to the bridge. The guard told the four of them to line up behind the queue.

Jocelyn gripped on Chen’s arm tightly, not wanting to separate from him. Chen caressed Jocelyn back and gave her an assuring smile.

"Celyn, it’s okay. We won't separate. We’ll fall in love with each other again." He pinched her nose.

"Why are you so sure?" She asked back.

"Cause you love me."

"That’s true."

He smirked.

On the other hand, Taemin and Naeun held hands. Taemin can felt that Naeun’s hands were sweating because of scare. He held her hands tighter and pulled her into a hug.

"Naeun, don’t be scare. Remember our promise, okay? You won't ditch me again. Okay?"

"How can you still smiling when we’re going to separate?! Knowing you're going to forget me…I can’t…can’t we just stay here forever?"

"No, Naeun, we can’t. Plus, we’re going to continue our love story there." Taemin said and left a kiss on her forehead.

"Maybe you're right." Naeun nodded and didn’t say a word again.

Taemin was the first of the four in the line. He took the soup, and drank it, straightaway made his way across the bridge. Naeun was shaking now as she took the soup. Same as Taemin, she drank it, and crossed the bridge.

Jocelyn who was in front of Chen was shaking as well. Before she could take the soup, Chen hugged her waist and turned her around.


"I love you, babe." He told her and kissed her.

It took not really long for Jocelyn to kiss him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he moved his hands to the back of her head. After the both of them pulled away, Chen pressed his forehead against Jocelyn’s.

"Saranghae." She whispered.

"Nado saranghae. We’ll meet again, babe, till the next century." He replied and gave her a quick kiss.

Jocelyn walked forward and took the soup. She took a glance of Chen before she drank it. Chen nodded and she drank it. After she drank it, she lost her soul. Her soul was filled with darkness, and then, she didn’t know what happened later.



Hey guys…if you don’t understand about the soup and the bridge, you guys can go and search for it. It’s actually I don’t know how to say them in English, so…yeah I didn’t put its name. You can go and Google search for it…and hope you would like this prologue. I spend lots of time to think! If you want to know, the soup is called ‘孟婆汤’ and the bridge is called ‘奈何桥’. It is pronounced as mengpo tang and naihe qiao. Or try and search Mengpo soup and Naihe bridge. Thanks for reading! Leave a comment or vote this chapter to let me know that you're reading this story. Kamsahamnida! I'll dedicate the next chapter to the first person who voted this prologue.

The next century- We met again (EXO Chen fanfic) [Sequel to WSWEKEOFTS?]Where stories live. Discover now