Chapter Twenty

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Why did the elevator have to open? Why did Niall have to be holding me so tight? Why did I not want him to let me go? Why did I even pull away?

Though, it was good I did. When I turned around to step out of the elevator, Marie was standing there, arms crossed. She raised her eyebrows at me. Without looking back at Niall, I shoved past her, wiping my eyes, and started down the hall towards my room. I remembered when I used to cry over my Dad, how my friends, my Mom, my Gramma, all tried to comfort me, but I would yell at them to go away or just flat out ignore them and shove them away when they tried hugging me. It would’ve been so easy to shove Niall away when he hugged me. But I didn’t. And why I didn’t was a complete mystery to me. I shouldn’t have let him hug me. If he had feelings for me, like I thought he did, I was leading him on, and I didn’t want to do that. I wasn’t sure what I felt for him, and I was afraid to find out. 

My Mom had the table set at 7pm sharp. My Dad would be home around 7:30pm, like usual. My Mom had been cooking things since 5pm, some things she had failed miserably at, others turned out perfect. My Dad hardly ever drank, but when he did, he got drunk, and horribly. And that’s exactly what he was when he came home a good 20 minutes late. He stumbled in the door, a smashed bouquet of flowers in his hand. I had been sitting at the table with my Mom, waiting for him to get home, and she told me to go to my room. I didn’t listen. I sat down at the bottom of stairs and listened to them yell at each other. My Mom was angry for him being drunk on their Anniversary, he was angry because she was yelling at him. I didn’t understand a lot of what my Dad had said, since his words slurred together, but from what I could understand, one of the guys from his work brought in beer and they all had fun drinking a couple packs of it. My Dad got so angry that he stormed back out of the house. All I heard was the engine start, the tires squeal, and 30 seconds later, a crash. My Mom screamed and I jumped from the stairs. I got outside to her. She had collapsed on the ground in the middle of the yard. She mumbled something about 911 and I ran back to the house. My Dad had a head on collision two houses down.

I was slow moving the next morning. For one, I hadn’t fell asleep till 4am, then when I had the dream about my Mom and Dad, I woke up at 7am, and couldn’t go back to sleep. Then we all had to headed out to the venue for tonight’s concert.

Laura, Sarah, and Anna had already been taking pictures, but me and Emma hung back on the back row section, talking. Em hadn’t been feeling well so she stayed at the hotel. 

At lunch, Niall finally mentioned the night before.

“You alright?” He asked when I sat down across from him.

Since the boys couldn’t leave the venue with all the fans outside, there was a buffet thing in one of the big rooms backstage. I didn’t know what he was talking about at first, then I realized he had lowered his voice so no one could hear him. I just nodded as Nicole sat down beside me, Harry beside her, Liam on my other side and Emma beside Niall along with Zayn and Louis. Paul, Hallie, Jacob, and Marie were at the very end of the table, away from all of us. 

“My cousin called me this morning, said that he’s gonna be having a party at a bar in town tonight, said we all should come,” Niall said taking a bite of some kind of burger sandwich thingie as Laura, Sarah, and Anna came and sat down, a few seats from us. 

“You gonna come?” Nicole asked me.

“I can’t get into a bar.. I’m fifteen..” I said. 

“You’re not fifteen,” Zayn said leaning around Emma. 

“We’re both fifteen,” Emma said looking at him.

“What?” Louis asked.

“Laura and Anna are 16 and Sarah’s 17. How old did you think we were?” Emma asked.

“Well.. You’re in a college program..” Liam said quietly.

“For highschool students,” I nodded.

“Well nice of you to tell us!” Harry said.

“What does it matter?” Emma asked raising an eyebrow.

“We just all thought you were in college,” Zayn said.

“Do we honestly look that old?” I asked looking at him. He shook his head. Emma laughed.

“Anyway! You honestly think you won’t be able to get in a bar?” Nicole asked. 

“No…” I said.

“Seriously? I’m not old enough to get into one.. but I do anyways.. trust me.. if you’re with these boys, you can get into any place,” she said and Harry grinned beside her. 

“Where’s your Dad?” I asked Nicole after the concert.

“He’s at the hotel, he wanted to have dinner with me and Harry, but I told him Harry had a concert and I was going to it, so he got kind of mad,” she said.

Everyone was waiting for most of the people to clear out of the venue before we went back to the hotel, then get ready for Niall’s cousin’s party.

At around 9:30pm we finally got back to the hotel. The party wasn’t supposed to be till after 10, so we all went to our rooms, and then me and Nicole were texting, trying to figure out how me and Emma were gonna get our of our hotel room and get ready, then leave for the party. Unfortunately, I was the only one that needed Nicole’s help to get ready. I had no clothes that were fit to go partying in and only small amounts of make up with me. 

Emma stayed in our room while I went across the hall, so she could make sure no one came to check on us. Nicole was trying to figure out what eye shadow to use on me, when her Dad showed up.

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