Chapter Eleven

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“Michaela, your Mom’s on the phone,” Hallie said handing me her phone. I shook my head and got in the back seat of the car. My phone had been off for over 24 hours. After my Mom called Monday I had been in a bad mood, around everyone. I ignored a few calls from my Mom and then Adam’s number started popping up, I finally just turned my phone off, now I was New York and it was still off. “We’re leaving the airport now, we’ll see you in just a few hours.” Hallie told my Mom.  I gave a silent groan as I leaned back in my seat. Everyone was sleepy and lagging behind, but 3am was a normal time for me to be awake, so I was wide awake for the entire plane and car ride. I guessed my Mom had been awake to call me when I got off the plane.

After the 20 minute car ride to the hotel, everyone had fallen asleep. I was the first one out the car. Jacob got my bags out of the trunk as all the boys, and Nicole, got out across the parking lot. Marie was already checked into the hotel, so I grabbed my bags and headed for the hotel. I didn’t bother waiting for any of the girls, I asked for my key in the lobby and found our room before anyone else had even gotten in the hotel.

When I woke up later in the day, Em and Emma were getting ready to leave for the SNL rehearsal. After they left to get lunch, I got up and got dressed. By that time it was time to leave. When I grabbed my bag from the chair my pills fell out. I hadn’t taken any in 2 days. I had been ignoring my moms calls to remind me, Hallie must’ve though I was taking them so I was never reminded to. No wonder I had been in such a bad mood. I quickly poured some into my hand and swallowed them. Then I followed the others out to the parking lot.

I slowly got out of the car behind Emma. I had a sudden wave of dizziness and grabbed onto the door for support. “You okay?” Em asked when I finally walked around the car. “Yeah..” I said nodding my head, and wishing I hadn’t when I felt dizzy again. We all made it inside the building and I sat down in the audiences seats, feeling tired and still a bit dizzy. The boys were going back and forth across the stage, talking, dancing, singing as they got set up for rehearsal. I hadn’t taken any pictures until Hallie said something to me. I took about 7 and quit. I had started to feel sick also. “Anyone else hungry?” Niall asked. I realized then I could’ve been dizzy and sick because I hadn’t eaten since about noon the day before. “Hey, Jill! We’re over here!” I almost jumped from my seat when Hallie hollered my Mom’s name. I turned around in my seat and turned to see my Mom coming down the isle. She waved at me happily. In response I jumped from my seat and headed for the exit door near the end of the stage.

I got outside the door and I felt like I was spinning in circles. I grabbed onto the first thing I could find for support. “What’s wrong?” Liam asked wrapping his arm around me. I didn’t even care that it was him I was holding onto, I just cared that I didn’t hit the floor. “I’m dizzy..” I barely said leaning against him. “Come sit down,” he said. He pulled me to a chair and sat me down. “Is there something I can do to help?” He asked sitting in a chair beside me. I shook my head. I leaned forward and put my head in my hands. “I’ll go get someone.” Liam stood and left before I could object. I waited several minutes before he returned. My fears were confirmed. He brought my Mom. “Michaela, baby, is everything okay?” She asked worriedly. “Go away,” I mumbled into my hands. “Liam said you were dizzy. Is there something wrong?” Hallie asked. I shook my head. “Did you take your medicine?” My Mom asked. “What does that have to do with anything?” I asked. I looked up to see Liam looked a bit confused at the mention of my medicine. “I was just wondering,” my Mom said. “I’m feeling better, you can leave now,” I said standing up. I felt a bit wobbly, but I don’t think I showed it. “Michaela..” My Mom gave me an aggravated look. 

I waved my hand and stepped past her. Liam watched me pass, but didn’t say anything. “Michaela!” I made it to the parking lot before I heard her calling me. “Michaela!” I turned to look at my Mom. “What?” I asked irritatedly. “What is the matter with you?” She asked. She was mad. Or maybe just annoyed at my attitude. “What’s the matter with you?” I asked. She sighed and massaged her temple. “I don’t understand why you are so angry with me,” she said softly. This time I sighed. “Now that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!” I shouted. “Don’t start that, Michaela!” She said putting her hands up. “Why? Cause you don’t like truth?” I asked. We were about 50 feet apart, but I could see the tips of her ears turn red. “Don’t start!” She shouted. I turned and started walking towards the street. I figured I’d find my way back to the hotel. “You come back here!” My Mom shouted after me. “Why?” I asked. “Please just talk to me,” she said stepping closer. I was feeling dizzy still. All I wanted was to lie down. “You need to take this new bottle of medicine anyways,” she said pulling a bottle out of her purse. “Really?” I asked. 

Despite my dizziness, I closed the distance between us, grabbed the bottle from her hands, pulled the top off and poured all the pills onto the ground. I stomped on a few to get my point across. I looked up at her. She didn’t look angry nor surprised. She probably suspected I would do something like that. “You can’t do that,” she said shaking her head. “You can’t force me to take the pills,” I said crossing my arms. “I will if I have to,” she said. “Why don’t you just get rid of me? Like you did Dad?” I asked. She closed her eyes for a second. “You have no idea how wrong you are. I wish you would just sit and talk with me. I could tell you—”  The way she could be so calm made me angry and I started hollering. “I tried to! Right after Dad died, I tried so hard to get you to talk to me! But you were always just too busy! You were like a freaking robot!” I would’ve said more, but I feared that if I opened my mouth again I would puke, that is, if I had anything in my stomach. “That is no—” My Mom started. “Would you just leave?” I asked quietly. She stared at me for a second, then sighed. “I’ll get a refill on the pills and bring them by your hotel tomorrow,” she said before she flagged down a cab and left.

I started to follow, do the same thing and go back to the hotel, but when I turned to walk, my head did a rapid spin and I was falling forward.

Good thing Niall was there to catch me.

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