Chapter Five

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“Oh.. He recognized you alright!” Em said as me, her, and Sarah walked back to room to get our purses. “Recognized her?” Sarah asked, confused. “She met him last night and again this morning.” Em said matter-of-factly. “I saw him at airport security, that’s all.” I said shrugging, “What about last night?” Sarah asked as she unlocked out door. “He was outside at the pool and I saw him and… He said hi.” I said stepping into the room behind them. “Oh.. I didn’t know Niall Horan just randomly says hi to strangers,” Em said. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the bed. “I don’t think I’m gonna go…” I said watching them both as they ran around the room grabbing things and checking themselves in the mirrors. “What?! Why not?” Em asked turning to look at me. I shrugged. “I’m really tired, and I’m not that hungry.” I said. Which was only partly true. I was tired, but I was also starving. I just didn’t feel like hanging out with a big group of people. The phrase ‘Two’s company, three’s a crowd.’ applied to me. I preferred one on one time with my friends, never three of us all together. I feel crowded and suffocated if I’m around too many people at once. So I just avoided telling the truth whenever I was asked why I didn’t want to go to parties, or hang out with all of my friends, or their family.

“Are you sure?” Sarah asked, seeming like she wasn’t believing me. “Yeah.. I’m just gonna stay here and take a nap.

And take a nap I did.

A couple hours after everyone left, I noticed the pool deck was empty so I grabbed a book and my iPod and went down. I had slipped on a pair of short jean shorts and rolled up the sleeves of my T-shirt and pulled the bottom of it up to my bra, figuring as long as long I was out here, I might as well get a tan. A few hours later I woke up when my playlist ended and I heard talking. 

“We should just let her sleep… It would be rude to wake her..” A guy said. “Is she even really asleep? I mean, she could just not hear us, since she has headphones in.” Another guy said. “Poke her and see!” The first guy said, “I’m not poking her, Niall.” The other one said and Niall laughed. “The others will probably wake her up when they come, maybe you should wake her up.” I peeked through my lashes and saw Liam and Niall standing over me. “You do it..” Niall said, his eyes moving over me. “She’s your photographer.” Liam stated. Niall looked up and scowled at him, “Fine,” he said and he squatted down beside me. I cleared my throat and he jumped back. Liam started laughing as he stumbled to his feet. “See, I told you she was probably awake,” he said as I sat up and pulled the headphones out of my ears. “No, I woke up when the playlist end… When you guys started talking.” I said closing my book and standing up. I realized my eyes weren’t trying to adjust to harsh sun light. It was already past dark. How long had I slept? It couldn’t have been long past dark, I could just see the edge of the sky still light. “What time is it?” I asked. “6:45pm.” Niall answered. “Okay.. Well… I’m gonna go back to my room.. Have fun swimming,” I said turning to walk off. “You don’t have to go! The others are gonna come swim, you can stay and swim too.” Niall said quickly before I could take one step.

“I’m actually really starved, so I’m gonna go order some room service.” I said truthfully and he grinned. “Suit yourself,” he said. I nodded and smiled back at him, before walking off. Half down the walk to the back, everyone else came out the door. Jeez. “Hey! We were wondering where you were!” Emma said running to me. “Took a nap on the deck,” I said holding up my book. “We can see..” Anna said gesturing to my stomach. I had forgotten I had rolled my shirt up. My stomach was now slightly darker with a reddish tint to it. I had stayed out there longer than I’d thought. “We’re all going to swim. Wanna come?” Laura asked. I shook my head. “I’m going to get something to eat.” I said giving a weak smile. Louis, Eleanor, and Zayn walked on past us to go to the pool, followed by Em and Sarah. Harry, Nicole, Anna, and Laura stayed where they were. “Is something wrong?” Anna asked. “No.. Why?” I asked.  I saw Harry say something to Nicole and she nodded, he then tugged her past us and to the pool deck. “Well Em and Sarah said you didn’t want to come eat with us because you were tired. Now you’re just acting as if you don’t want to be around us.” I stared at Laura for a second. She was right. It wasn’t that I didn’t like them, but I didn’t want to be around people right now. I didn’t want to hurt they’re feelings. That would be the last thing I wanted to do, but I also didn’t like lying.

“I’m sorry… I just wasn’t really feeling up to going out earlier, but I truly am starving right now,” I said. “Okay.. Well, you know where we are,” Anna said. Laura nodded as they both walked off. I sighed as I stepped back inside the hotel, knowing my Mom was gonna call to check up on me any minute… And my phone was back in my room.

Stuck in The Moment with You [Niall Horan]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ