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Yena walked slowly, continuously kicking the lonely rock. She sighed, it feels like Yunjin was always there to ruin everything, everything. She was so close to Yuri, she was there, sitting besides Yuri, there ready to tell Yuri everything. But Yunjin, she showed up in the wrong time.

Fuck it!

Yena continued to walk, kicking the rock real hard away from her, she was about to shout her feelings out until a voice interrupted her.

"Yena?" It was Yiren, she glanced at her back to see Yiren looking at her dumbfounded. "It's getting dark, what are you doing here?" Yiren asked, walking a bit closer to Yena. "Uh...I met with a friend." Yiren let our a small 'ah'. Yiren looked around finding a store that was close to their area, she glanced at the curios Yena, quirking her lips. "Wanna go get some ramen, my treat." Yena nodded and walked with Yiren to the ramen shop.

"So did you...you know got over with Yuri already?" Yena abruptly stops in eating, glancing at Yiren who was already finished. "I don't know, it's hard, it's like..y'know she was not that person to be easily forgotten. I-I it was just hard I-" Yiren noticed how shaky Yena is, she decided to make Yena cool off a bit. "Hey, I just asked you, no need to blurt out so many things there." Yiren puts a hand on Yena's shoulder calming her a bit. Yena sighed. "Ugh! I was so close on telling Yuri how I felt these days and, and- Yunjin, she-she just ruined it!" Yiren raised a brow, Yena was angry, she's upset. Yiren sighed, she doesn't need to be that hard to Yunjin, Yunjin, she was also Yuri's girlfriend. "No need to be hard on that, they're also together." Yena looked down, breathing heavily.

Shit Yiren's right.

She then felt her phone vibrate through her jacket, she picked it up immediately seeing that it was Hitomi. She glanced at it, looking at Yiren, Yiren nodded, gesturing Yena to answer it. "Uhh...Hiichan, hello wussup?"

"Don't wussup me! I was clearly scolded for not knowing where the hell
are you and you were just 'wussup'. Fuck it!"

"Calm down Hii-chan! I'm going home!"

"Calm your ass down! Now get your ass up here!"

Yena stood up, holding her phone farther away from her ears. "Okay, okay! Bye." 

"What's it?" Yiren asked calmly.

"Hitomi's angry, I need to go home now."

𝗙𝗥𝗢𝗠 𝗭𝗘𝗥𝗢 ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang