"Lance, recently I've noticed-"

Already heard this more than once, Lance cut in, "I'll go to the training room now. I already know what you're going to say." He turned and went to walk to the training room.

Shiro grabbed Lance's wrist, "No, that wasn't what I was going to say." He said, frowning, "I was going to say, recently I've noticed that we have been treating you horribly as a team, and I'd like to apologize on behalf of the team. I can't speak for the team, but I'll try to change my attitude towards you," Shiro said, pleading for him to accept the apology.

Lance didn't respond, only stating at the floor. "Yeah, it's okay Shiro." He said after a bit, turning around and leaving.

Sitting alone in his room, Lance heard Hunk outside the door talking to the rest of the team.

"I just wished Lance was acting like the old Lance." He heard Hunk sigh.

"Yeah, I miss his jokes and laughter, I just miss all of him." Pidge commented, sighing as well.

There was a pause, "Maybe we can get him to change back." Keith spoke up, "If we just find out what's he cause of this."

"Yeah.." Came Shiro's hesitant reply, "Maybe."

Lance opened the doors suddenly, face blank. The team all jumped in shock, not expecting him to actually be in his room.


"Lance, we-"

"I tried to please you guys..." he said, voice cracking a bit, "Why do you guys still want more from me?" He asked, eyes watering.

The team looked at each other in panic, not expecting him to start tearing up.

"I-I'll just try harder.." Lance muttered before shutting himself into his room.

Shiro wanted to go talk to Lance, but everyone else pulled him away.

They shouldn't have done that.

Lance's hands trembled as he struggled to get the noose high enough and stable. He was shaking horribly, especially his arms since he had just finished cutting them up for the last time.

His sigh of relief when he finally got it to be where he wanted might have been worrying, if someone was there to notice.

He gulped and made sure that his suicide note was visible on the side, and he made sure there was a note for everyone. He paused for a moment before deciding that this is really what he- no the team, wanted.

Please them...

Please them....

Just to make them feel that punch, Lance wrote on a note saying Are you pleased yet? On the front of his jacket.

"I'm sorry, Space Family. I love you guys so much, too much. I'll miss you, and I hope you'll miss me too." He recited the last line he wrote on the note to all the team.

The stool tumbled as it was kicked, and Lance took his last breath.

It was horrible. Horrible. So horrible.

Their shining, wonderful, amazing sharpshooter. He was gone. If only they hadn't been so greedy.. if only they hadn't asked for more and more, again and again.

He had given them so much, there wasn't anything else to give.

Pidge had been the one to find him. God, why did it have to be Pidge?

She didn't deserve to find him first. No one deserved to find him at all. They didn't want to believe it was true, thinking it was some sick joke.

They all remember thinking Please let this be a joke. Please..

It was unfortunate that their last demands were not fulfilled. They had demanded too much at that point.

Pidge. She had been the first one to find the body, and the first one to read her note.

The team stared at the note hanging off of Lance's jacket.

Are you pleased yet?

Extra, the note to them all:

Dear team,

Don't be mad. I don't know what to do at this point. I'm so emotionally broken, and I know for a solid fact no one can- will help me, and the only thing that will help me is death.

So death did help me.

I'm sorry to whoever finds my body. I should've OD on some pills or something, but I couldn't find any. So I'm sorry for that.

I truly wish that I could continue living in this universe with you guys. I really do. But nothing I did seemed to please you, and it was driving me mad.

It seemed like the only solution was to just leave. But not leave as in walk away, but like this, because I knew that if I tried to leave voltron, that would've made things worst.

But yes. I am sorry it had to be this way, but it wasn't my fault, nor it yours.

I just hope that this was enough to end my suffering. I didn't want to die. I didn't want to die, guys. I never wanted to die. I just wanted to end my pain. I just wanted to be happy, and I just wanted to have fun.

You don't get everything you want in life, and it seems that I got everything but what I truly wanted from the bottom of my heart.

I'm sorry,

Signed Lance McClain, Former Blue Paladin, the "sharp shooter", the goofball, and your teammate.

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