Three - Meeting the Professor

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He got up and stand erect widening his shoulders even more with his hands in his pockets. What. Is he the Alexander?

I gulped down and stand , handing him the marker which he snatched fast.

Without a word I went back to my seat near Ari. She was looking at me with so many questions.

She squeezed my hand reassuring everything will be alright not knowing who he really was.

He started to take class glancing me now and then. I can't withstand to meet his eyes.

This was his first lecture class in this college. He might introduced himself before I came as I was late. I don't know his name. But he looks familiar.
I felt that already at our first meet in coffee shop but he was bossing around and didn't gave time for my brain to process that part.

But here in class I could see nowhere but him. Don't mistaken me. I'm not checking on him. Come on! He is the one taking class, wherelse can I look.
I just want to be more cautious in my movements ,one small mistake, worth worrying lifetime!

He was taking class on Cardiovascular system. Wow! A heartless man teaching us about heart.

I took advantage of this opportunity to recall his face. I have seen him somewhere. He was lecturing about cardiac arrest. But it didn't go into my mind. I was just staring at him blindly.
I noticed many of the girls were practically drooling over him. Poor girls! They didn't know what demon is hidding under that handsome mask.

We was going somewhere in the topic... Palpitation. Its the condition where one is aware of his own heartbeat. After saying the word Palpitation twice his glare fixed at me. 

Without breaking eye contact, he said "I will tell you an example... When you accidently bumped into someone and spilled your coffee over him..."

Shit! My eyes bugged out. He might gonna say my name. Wait. Why should I worry? You keep going Mr. Arrogant. Say them loud that I slapped your cheeks red. I glared him back.

Noticing no discomfort from my side, he was disappointed. Now, two can play this game. So with no expression he completed his sentence,

"You will get palpitation then."

Yes! Then. But not now. I scored!

When the class was over, he was about to walk past the door. But he stopped. He turned at me.

"What does this world call you?"

I took a second to process the question. Huh! He was asking my name. Mr. Riddlehead!


"You came late. I want you to collect all the students record work and submit it in my cabin as your punishment."

"Just me sir?"

"No you can call all your fantasy friends to help you carry them. Yes !!!! Just you!!! Now. In my cabin!" he shouted at last word.  "Make sure to be puntual all the time." he stromed out.

Its around hundred record works. I collected them from everyone. I hardly made my way to the elevator. The huge pile of record notes blocking my visual field. They were stacked upto middle of my forehead.

I managed to reach his cabin in 3rd floor. I hoped for his absence. I wanted to make this quick. My arms and hands started to hurt. I pushed open his door with my record stack and went in near his table. I placed them at the edge of the table and pushed them.I heard shattering sound  coming from other side of the table.

There was a view of beautiful vase but shattered into pieces on the ground. I pushed that!

 I pushed that!

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I hate you god!

I jumped literally when I heard the door open revealing Mr. Arrogant.

His gaze shifted from me to the vase then back to me. I could sense his anger.

He spatted out "Won't you let me live in peace? I knew you are going to be my death. I would kill you before that."

"Sorry. Sir" It was really an accident. Another one!

"You knew that sorry won't work for me and when it comes from you especially."

I rolled my eyes.

"Stop rolling your blemish eyes and pick all these pieces."

I started collecting them. It was made of porcelain. I let out a gasp when a sharp piece tore my skin from my index finger. Blood oozed  out and few drops dripped on the floor.

He let out a sigh went near his cupboard taking some stuff and asked me to wash my finger from the faucet.
He came near me and handed me the first aid plaster.

He was not that bad. I took it and draped it over my wound as it was not that deep.

"That pieces should be back as a vase by tomorrow."

Yeah not bad but worst.

I didn't say anything collected every piece and left his cabin


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