Oppa duties

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As I worked on my story I noticed TEN   began to fall asleep. I looked at my book and saw he was almost halfway done. "You read fast huh?" I said. "Yeah I do it's a really good book" TEN said. "Thanks! I wrote that book while I was a senior in highschool" I said. "Wow. *yawn* so young" TEN said as he saved his spot before laying down facing me. I smiled and picked up Su placing her on my couch in my room so I can still watch over her. I went to her room and got her cover and covered her up. I then took a shower. By the time I finished TEN was fast asleep. I climbed in behind him and fell asleep.

I was awoke by my phone ringing. I answered sleepily. "Hello?" I said. "Hyung did I wake you?" I heard Lucas's voice say. "Yes. I was cuddled up to Blu" I said irritated slightly. "Ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhh yes babyyyyy" Lucas joked in English. "Hush it!" I said in English. "I just called to make sure my new phone is set up" Lucas said. "Good then you need to call Suyoung!" I said. "Why?" Lucas asked. I got out of Blu's bed and looked over at Su. "Is she just a girl to you?" I asked. I left Blu's room and entered their kitchen. It was 4 am according to the clock on the wall. "Suyoung? No she isn't just a girl to me" Lucas said.

"Then you need to call her. Cause she thinks you just used her" I said. "I was going to anyway is she awake now?" Lucas asked. "No she isn't Better yet get here now!" I ordered. "Demanding wow!" Lucas said. "Now child!" I said and hung up. Although I immediately regretted calling him a child. I shook the thought from my mind and fixed myself some coffee. I heard Blu's door open. "It's just me" I called. I looked towards the steps and saw Su walk down them. "Su.." I said. "TEN?" She said confused. "I stayed over after you fell asleep" I said. "Did you drive Jeno here?" She asked. "No he came by himself. Blu invited me over" I said. Su walked into the kitchen and blushed. I looked down and saw I was shirtless. "Oh!" I said. "I see what happened! Haha" Su laughed. "Nothing happened I just sleep like this" I said. "Sure I'll believe that when you stop blushing haha" Su laughed again. "Coffee?" I asked. "No thank you I'm heading back to sleep. In my own room. Wouldn't want to hold you guys backkk" Su waved as she walked back upstairs. "Wrong idea...." I thought. "Although I wouldn't mind if we did do something. I've never felt stronger for anyone in my life. I did play around in school. Mostly with girls but with Blu.... I don't know I've never felt strongly like this for anyone" the thought bringing a blush to my cheeks. I walked upstairs and into Su's room. I saw her looking out her window. "Truly nothing happened" I said. "I know TEN. I wish something did though. Blu's been so lonely all his life....." Su said. I could tell she cared deeply for Blu. I left her room as she climbed into bed.

I made my way to Suyoung's boutique. I looked up and saw TEN in the window looking at me. I waved and made my way inside. "Good there you are!" TEN said opening their door shirtless. "Ohhhh yeahhhh how was it?" I asked. TEN just grabbed me and pulled me inside. He tugged me upstairs and into a pink bedroom. Once my eyes adjusted I saw Suyoung alseep in the bed. "Woah!" I whispered. He then tugged me down the hallway that into a blue room where I saw Blu asleep. "Ooooooo he looks sexy alseep like that. No wonder your horny for him" I teased. TEN smacked my head lightly. "Oooo do it again!" I said. He tugged me out of Blu's room. "I like your dominant side" I said in english. "Shut up!" TEN said. "Yes daddy" I teased. TEN dragged me into their kitchen and smacked my head harder. "Enough if jokes Hong Xu Xi!" TEN said calling me by my birth name that I hate. "I don't like that name!" I said. TEN grabbed me again and made me look at him. "Do I care? No! I also don't like being called daddy. That's your kink!" TEN said scarily. I stopped. "Look I'm sorry OK?" I said. "That's a start" he said. "Now no more jokes! Get up there and sleep with Suyoung!" TEN pointed. "I can easily do that!" I said. TEN smacked my head again. "Not in the sexual manner!" He said. I sighed dissapointed. "Fine just lay next to her?" I asked. "Yes! Now go!" TEN said. "I can't be blamed if I can't control myself" I said truthfully.

TEN huffed as he watched me walk upstairs and into Suyoung's room. The memory of our hot sex at the stadium still fresh in my mind. "Noooo get that out your mind!" I thought as I shook my head. I took my shirt off and laid down. The feel of the soft silky cover as I pulled it over my bare torso was heavenly. I turned on my right side and stared at Suyoung's face. "I wouldn't mind waking up to that in the morning everyday" the thought brought a smile to my lips as I drifted off to sleep.

I heard as TEN climbed back into my bed behind me. I turned over to look at him. "Don't worry! I have your back" he smiled. I smiled myself. "Where is Su?" I asked noticing she isn't on the couch. "She woke up and went to her room" TEN said. "Oh?" I said and got up to check. TEN followed me. I opened Su's door and saw her fast asleep but not alone. I was about to scream when TEN hushed me with his hand and dragged me out her room. "Calm down. It's Lucas with her" he said. "Why is he in her bed?" I asked. "Cause I told him to. If Su wakes up with Lucas next to her all her doudts will melt away" TEN said. It seemed far fetched but then I remembered something. "My dream is to go to bed alone but wake up with Lucas in my bed" Su told me. "Fine. I'll allow it. He just better not try anything" I said. "He won't I told him not to" TEN said. "And he'll just listen?" I asked. "Yes cause I'll punish him if he doesn't" TEN said with a sadistic but sexy smile.

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