Family reunite?

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It seemed hours past by before we finished. As we got out the bathroom we saw everyone asleep. "Oh wow" I said. "Where's your sister?" Bambam asked. I pointed to Su snuggled up to Jeno. "Ah. Well that leaves us to sleep together then" Bambam smiled. "Are you....." I said pointing down. "Soft? Yes I am unfortunately" Bambam said. "As I said I'm not sexually attractive" I said. "Oh you most definitely are sexually attractive but I know your limits" Bambam said. "My limits?" I said. "Yes. Your not ready yet" Bambam said. "I am too! I've had three boyfriends" I said. "Can I be your fourth?" Bambam asked before he smiled. "As I said not ready yet" he continued. He laid down and I laid with him. I huffed. "I am so ready too! I just.... I don't know. TEN's face keeps popping into my mind. What does that mean? TEN....." I thought as I stared out the window. Back in Seoul TEN was also looking out his window. "Blu...... I have lost you...... You'll go home realize how much you love it and stay..... It's fine as long as Lucas and Su  get their happy ending I'll be fine....for a while...." He said.

I laid in my bed and sighed. I've been trying to go to sleep for the past hour but Suyoung's teary face pops into my mind shattering my heart. "Suyoung...... Where have I heard her name from? Even before I met her I knew her name but from where?" I thought.

As the plane shook from turbulence I was jolted awake. Instead of in Jeno's surprisingly strong arms I was cuddled up with Mark Lee and on a different side of the plane. I looked around and saw Blu fast asleep in Bambam's arms. His natural blonde hair back in full swing. I smiled as I saw him look so peaceful. I shook him enough to only wake him. "Oppa time to get up we should almost be in LA" I said. "Already?" He said. "Yeah already" I said. We stood up and stretched before preparing to disembark. I was right as the pilot said over the speakers "Folks fasten your seatbelts as we land into LAX." Blu and I woke up everyone and we disembarked.

We held a taxi as Got7, and NCT Dream got stopped by fans. I called mom. "Hey sweetheart how was your flight?" She asked. "It was great! Well see you soon mom" I said. "Byeeee" Blu and I said. "We've so gotta dye our hair again" I said. "Yes. Yes we do" Blu said. The taxi driver took us home. Once we arrived we saw mom at the front door. Her smile and black hair that I got shined. "My babies!" She said as she embraced us. "Hi mom" Blu said as he gave her his gift. "Blu you shouldn't have" she said as she opened it. The tears that formed in her eyes showed her feelings. "Oh Blu it's beautiful! Aquamarine how did you know?" She said as she hugged him. "I made it myself" Blu said. I showed my necklace he made me with pink diamonds and he showed his with sapphires. "Come in! Your rooms haven't been touched" Mom said. "Awww thanks mom!" We said. We stayed with mom that day hanging out and shopping.

As night rolled around I called Tiffy. "Hello?" She answered. "Tiffy it's my Blu" I said. "Hi! How are you guys?" She asked. "We are good" I said. "That's good" Tiffany said. "Yeah we are actually in California now" I said. "OMG cool! We can meet up tommorow for breakfast" Tiffany said. "Yeah I'd. I'd like that. I've missed you Tiffy" I said. "Awww that's sweet. I've missed you too. I would have stayed in Seoul longer but I wanted to break out in America soooo much" Tiffany said. "I know. I'll see you tommorow" I said. "It's a date. I may be training my younger brothers but I always have time for you" Tiffany said. "I'm glad!" I said. I hung up and went to sleep in my teen-age bed. It has memories but I ignore them.

I woke up early the next day and quickly got ready. As I left I heard mom talking lowly to someone on the phone. "Yes I agree it's time she knew does he know?" She said. "Bye mom I'll be back soon" I said. "Oh! Um bye Blu" mom said as she hung up the phone. "OK very weird!" I thought but I didn't think too much into it. I left to meet up with Tiffany. I met her at her apartment. "Blu! Come in!" She said. I came in and it was beautifully decorated. "You loom beautiful Tiffy I said referring to her Blonde hair. "Thanks! We are matching" she said. "That we are" I said. "I have something for you" I said handing het the ring box. "A ring? Blu you didn't have to!" She said as she opened it revealing the rainbow jewelled ring. I showed my hand and she saw the same ring on my hand. "Awww thank you! I'll cherish it!" Tiffany said putting it on.

I woke up and walked down stairs. "Good morning mom" I said. I looked up and saw a man around my mother's age talking to her. "Did I interrupt something?" I asked. "Good morning Su come sit" mom said patting the couch next to her. I was hesitate but complied. As I sat the man smiled at me like he knew me. I to be nice smiled back. "Su...... Suyoung.... I have something to tell you" mom said. "Thanks mom" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and saw Mark Lee. "Mark!" I said. He looked at me and smiled so big before he hugged me. "So I was right!" He said. "About?" I said. "They haven't said anything?" He said. "Said what?" I asked. I looked at mom and to the man. "Will someone tell me why Mark Lee is in my house and where the hell is Jeno?" I said. "I left Jeno in our hotel room" Mark said sitting next to the man who looked similar to him. "Suyoung remember when I told you about your father being dead?" Mom said. "Yeah it tore me up" I said. "I lied. He isn't dead. I'm sorry honey I told you that at his request. He didn't want you to try to find him. He loved you but we had some rough patches to get through and only way to get through them was to split up" mom said. "You mean my dad is still alive?" I was asked. "Yes he is and he's right in front of you" mom said. I looked at the man I didn't recognized and I had his eyes. "D.... Dad?" I said. He looked down at the ground tears formed in his eyes. "I'm sorry. Suyoung. I'm so sorry" he said.

Seoul Dreamsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें