Fan meet [Blu]

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After I got our bills payed I headed downstairs and saw Su in a photoshoot with Blackpink. I laughed to myself and Rose saw me. She smiled and dragged me into the pictures. We had a photo shoot then Blackpink left after asking for custom designs. "We are going to America soon and we want to rock that stage" Jennie said. "California?" Su asked. "Yeah and New York" Rose said. "We got you girls. We are Blink's so we have a good idea of who you girls are so we got this" I said. "Yay thank you!" Lisa said. Blackpink left and I screamed. "Su! WayV is holding a fan meet tomorrow!" I said. "What!" Su said. "They are!" I said. "Oh my!" Su said. "Aren't their designs done?" I asked. "They are I finished them earlier" Su said. "Let's call it a night and get so rest" I said. "OK it's almost 11 anyway" Su said. Just as she was going to close up two people entered.

"Are we too late?" One of them said. "No we are almost closed still have 20 minutes left" Su said. "Good" the other said as they entered. Once they were inside we froze. "Sorn?" I said. "And Miyu Jung!" Su finished. "It's Miyu Kim now" Miyu said. "OMG RM's wife!" I said. "You an ARMY?" Miyu asked. "We both are" Su said. "Awww yay" Miyu said. "Are you our fans too?" Sorn asked. "Your my bias in CLC" I said. Sorn hugged me. "Thank you thank you" she said. "Well Su can help you ladies I'll ring you up when you finish" I said. Sorn and Miyu shopped around and picked up multiple items. I rung them up and they payed. "Baby?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and saw RM enter. I hid with a blush on my face which Miyu saw. "Hi Kim-joon" Miyu said. "Come here" she continued. Sorn and Su watched as Miyu made me stand up. I blushed hard as I looked at RM. He noticed my rainbow pendant and my ARMY bracelet. "Your an ARMY I see. A lgbtq one at that" RM said. I blushed. "He likes you" Miyu said. I blushed harder. RM smiled and kissed me on my lips. "For a special ARMY" he said. I held myself together till Miyu and RM left then I collapsed. "Knew that was coming" Su said in English. She walked over to me and shook me. "Bluuuuuu wake uppppppp" she said. When I didn't respond she slapped me. "Wake up Oppa!" She said binging me back. "Huh what?" I said. "Geez your jelly in the knees for RM huh?" Su said.

"You'd be the same if it was J-hope" I said in English. "Not denying that one" Su said. "Blu? Are you the Blu?" Sorn asked in English. "As far as I know I am" I said. "OMG TEN is...." Sorn began but stopped herself. "Thank you for the clothes. I love them. I'll be sure coming back here" Sorn said as she left. "What was that about?" Su asked. "I don't know. Close up I gotta go take a cold shower" I said. "Oh my god TMI!!!!" Su said as I left upstairs. I jumped in the shower then went to sleep. The next morning I woke up Su and we got ready to head to the fan meet. She packed TEN and Lucas's clothes up neatly and handed TEN's to me. "He's your man" she said. I blushed at that. "But I can't face him after what happened with Bambam...." I said. "Hush it! He was pissed at that" Su said.

"Maybe he was but I still feel dirty" I said. "You'll always feel dirty but you have no reason to. You aren't dating TEN yet" Su said. "Yeah but....." I began. "No buts! Your coming with me and that's that!" Su said as she dragged me out the house and down the stairs. We weren't far from the meet up so we just walked. I held TEN's design and Su held Lucas's. We were lucky enough to get there before it got too crowed. An hour later WayV rolled up and got out. The fans screamed and piled into the stadium. Su and I got lost in the crowd. Once we made it inside we saw Lucas and TEN and our hearts felt warm. We waited around till the fans went down heps. Then we stood in line. Another hour passed and we were finally next. Lucas and TEN looked and stood up once they saw us. TEN didn't wait he ran and hugged me. "Oh!" I said. "Your safe! Your safe!" He said. "I am" I said. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He apologized. "Sorry for what?" I asked. "For letting Bambam take advantage of you" TEN said. I begun to tear up. Su touched my shoulder. TEN asked for time alone with me and his manager allowed it at Lucas's request. TEN lead me away from the crowd and a curious fan tried to follow us luckily Su had my back. She stopped the girl and the girl took Su's place at the meet and greet. Su sat down as she waited for TEN and I to get back. TEN lead me deep in the stadium stopping in a hallway away from prying eyes. He turned to me and without warning he kissed me. "Em!" I said as I wrapped my arms around him. We stayed lip locked for a few minutes till we broke. "I'm sorry I've wanted to do that for awhile" TEN said. "Why?" I asked. "Because. When I heard you were in danger in America I almost hopped on a flight myself. I don't know what it is about you but I just get this warmth from you. A warmth I don't want to leave me. Lucas and I ran to the airport in hopes of catching you guys before you left but we were too late. We felt like we let you down. Like we caused you guys to go home" TEN said. "Caused us? What are you talking about? We went back to see our mom then a lot of things happened we would have been back earlier but we got caught up in family" I said. "Really? So we didn't cause you to leave?" TEN said. "No far from it" I said. TEN hugged me. "I'm glad. I'm sorry for that day" he said. "What day?" I asked. "The day I made you upset" TEN said. I begun to tear up. TEN noticed and hugged me tighter. "Don't cry please" he said. "I'm sorry" I said. I took out a long box from the bag and held it out to TEN. "What's this?" He asked taking it. "I made it myself" I said. He opened the box and smiled. "I love it! It matches yours" he said. "I didn't know your favorite color so I just did what ever" I said. "I love it!" He said putting it on. "Also this" I said handing him the bag. "Your design" I said. He smiled and begun to strip

"Oh my!" I said. Soon I saw his body on full display in front of me. "Oh my" I said turning around. "Turn back around. I want you to look at me" TEN said. I did as he asked and watched as he changes into the design. I helped him. "It fits perfectly" He said. He saw my blushing face and smiled. He touched my chin making me blush harder. "I want you Blu. Your wrong you are attractive. Sexually and Physically. TEN made a move towards me then we heard his manager calling for him. He sighed annoyed. "Soon" he said as we walked back to the fan meet.

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