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"So what's up?" Tiffany asked. "Just wanted to come see you" I said. "Awww" Tiffany said hugging me. "We are back in the states for vacation. OK.... Now for the real reason" I said. Tiffany served me some tea and sat next to me. "I am in a bind. In. Love." I said. "What's his name?" She asked. "Their names and it's TEN and Bambam" I said. "I see" Tiffany said. "Yeah........ I don't know where to go...." I said laying down in Tiffany's lap like how I use to do as a kid. She placed her hand on my head and petted me. "I see the problem. They are Idols a d your not" Tiffany said. "Yeah I feel like it's gonna end badly" I said. "You usually are right when you get these feelings too" Tiffany said. "I know and I hate it. I don't know what to do" I said. "Well that's where love gets complicated" Tiffany said.

I looked at Mark and he smiled. "Eonni" he said. "Wha....... What....... What........" I said as I collapsed onto the floor. "I'm sorry Su. I'm sorry forgive us" Mom said as she started to cry.  "For what?" I asked. "For keeping us from you" the man said. "Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Lee Yoo-Joon and I'm your father" the man said. "Yoo-Joon that means handsome friend" I said. "Yes and that's what I was to Eun Jung. Her handsome friend. "Yoo" mom said. "Till I showed her I was more then that. It was May 3rd 1999 you were born a healthy and bouncy baby girl. I wasn't there. Cause I was serving in the military due to get released next month. When I was released she met me at the docks in San Diego and that's when I held you for the first time. I was so happy to be a father I never let go of you for three days. I changed you and fed you and cuddled you. Then we got drunk. Well I did and she didn't stop me. We made love again then she got pregnant again" Dad said. "I have a younger sibling I don't know about too?" I said. "You do know me" Mark said.

I looked at Mark and saw he looked similar to me. "No way" I said. "I hadn't had the heart to tell you Su. That the boy you loved so much due to his talent and looks was actually your blood relation dongsaeng" mom said. I looked at Mark again. "Eonni" he said and hugged me again. I hugged him back as I began to cry. Mom and..... Dad hugged me as well. I heard our front door open and Blu walked in. "Woah!" He said.

I didn't know what I walked in on but I saw Su crying being hugged by an unknown man, mom and Mark Lee. "O.... K then I'mma yeah" I said as I walked back outside and sat down. What seemed like hours past before Su told me to come in. I walked in and sure enough I saw Mark Lee. "OK why is Mark here and why are all of you crying" I said. "That him?" The man asked mom. "Yeah" mom said. The man stood up and walked to me. He looked at me and smiled. "Son" he said as he hugged me. "Um OK" I said hugging the man back to be polite. Then Mark approached me and hugged me. "Hyung" he said. "What? Hold up what is going on. Mom?" I asked. "Blu come sit" mom said. I did after closing the door. I sat down and Su laid her head on me. "What's going on?" I asked. "Blu this man is Lee Yoo-Joon and he is Suyoung's birth father" Mom said. Then I cried. Not cause I was happy but I was happy for Su. Her father not being present left a big hole in her heart that I tried to fill but I was unable to.

After our emotional conversation we all went out to dinner where Dad and Mark said they support me. Then I cried tears for myself. That's all I wanted to hear my entire life my dad and brother saying they support me. I cried for a good few minutes as Mark and dad embraced me. We enjoyed our dinner and we hung out the rest of the day. At the end of the day mom and dad announced that they are getting married. Su, Mark and I left them alone and walked around LA. "Sooooo Mark about my request I put in a few weeks ago I'm sorry" I said. "It's fine bro it's all good" Mark said. "I'm glad" Su said. "I mean I did enjoy it but that was before I found out that you were my sister" Mark said. "When did you find out?" Su asked as we sat by the water on the beach. "Dad called me and said he was back in Korea amd wanted to see me. We met up for lunch and he met the guys. Then he sat me down alone and told me" Mark said. "And what was your first reaction?" I asked. "Oh shit I kissed her" Mark said. We laughed. "Seriously though. I was excited. I felt so happy that I had siblings" Mark said. Mom called me and said that it was time to come home. We all walked home and went to bed. Su slept in her room and Mark bunked with me. He called Jeno to tell him he won't be coming back to the hotel room tonight. "So they were your family?" Jeno said. "Yeah they are" Mark said. "Well sorry man but I made out with your sister" Jeno said. "Well talk about that! When we head back to Korea!" Mark said and hung up. "Everything OK?" I asked. "Yeah just Jeno being Jeno" Mark said as we played video games together. We played for a good two hours before we climbed into bed and fell asleep.

I woke up early and went into the kitchen fully dressed when I saw Dad. "Dad you ready?" I asked. "I've been waiting 19 years of course I am" he said. We linked arms and left the house. We walked to a cafe nearby and had breakfast together. "This is the same place your mom and I had our first date" Dad said. "Really?" I asked. "Yep. We sat over there in that booth" Dad said pointing. "Wow!" I said. Our food arrived and we ate while dad caught up on my life. "I wished you saw my graduation" I said. "I did" Dad said. "You did?" I said. "Yeah I did" dad said pulling out his wallet. He took out a piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked down and recognized my graduation ticket. "How?" I asked. "Your mom gave it to me" Dad said. I remembered back to my graduation. Mom asked for two tickets cause she wanted to invite her best friend to my graduation. "That sly woman!" I said. "Yep your mom has always been a sly woman" Dad said. We ended our meal and dad insisted on paying. He then folded up the recite and placed it in his wallet. I smiled as I held his hand walking down the streets of LA.

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