The Plan

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Oh my god guys first off thank you so much for everything thing. I literally started this story a year ago thinking I'd only get like five reads but 105k!!!!!!! Like pinch me. Thank you guys so much for this. Now that that's out of the way we are officially nearing the end. Oh
my god I am actually sad to say it. But we may have like six or seven chapters left. Omg get prepared for the end of Getting Along.

One Week Later (after the last chap)

"Alright, now that we a have our ally from Hogwarts-"
"More like puppet from Hogwarts." Mocked Alec.
I rolled my eyes at that. So, yes I know it's true, she is our little puppet. But he has so far been getting on my nerves. Like sure dude, just because you're Rose's older brother and Austin and Calum  follow you it doesn't mean that I will do the same. This is my time not yours.
"Yes, puppet ally whatever you want to call her, but she will be of great help to us. So firstly , Rose, you and Alec and Calum will stay at Hogsmeade and cause as much chaos as you may like. Just don't kill anyone," This was met with groans from Rise and Alec. "This is a just for a distraction nothing more."
"Rose, you will take polyjuice potion in order to look like me." I said handing her a potion vial that Parkinson had sent me.
"Why?" She Asked stepping a bit forward.
"Because I want people to think that it is just a simple attack caused by Death Eaters and not what it really is." Rose nodded in understanding.
"Yes, one question." Calum said stepping forward.
"How will we get the polyjuice potion. I mean it takes like what one month to make?"
"Yes you are right. Our little  puppet stole a batch from Professor Snape that was made for the Order. She will also take some and turn into Hermione Granger."
They all except for Austin looked dumbfounded.
"Why?" The three asked.
"Because we will use her as bait to lure my sweet dear Harry out. We will make it seem as if we are torturing her and he will surely come out to save his friend. Then when he least expects it, we'll take him here." I explained smiling at my ingenious plan.
"Yeah, Uh Gin, no offense but I highly doubt that the Dark Lord will allow Harry to live if he is here. Like did you forget that he's been trying to kill him since he was a baby." Said Rose.
"Ugh, look once we bring him here we can block all his magic. I've done the research! If Harry doesn't have his magic then he can mean no threat to the Dark Lord. And with Harry gone the Dark side can and will defeat the light." They all glanced at each other and soon each smirked at the idea of that happening.
"And when me and Harry have kids we, well , I will raise them to be one of us." I too smiled at the thought of that. Little redheads with emerald green eyes running around learning the best dark art spells . And maybe one will look just like Harry!
"Okay Ginny, when do we begin?" Asked Austin with an evil smirk gracing his face.
"Tomorrow, we need to let Parkinson know of when and how we will start."

Third Person POV
She looked at the letter in hands feeling so much regret for her actions.
She, once she read the letter, ripped it up and threw it into the fire. She took out a potion vial containing a thick and bubbly potion and hid it under her bed before lying down and started crying herself to sleep. The only way for her to escape the living hell she is going through.
And that he'll will only worsen tomorrow if all went according to plan.
She awoke the next morning dreading what will happen. When she sat down for breakfast she turned and Hermione, Harry and Ron laugh and joke.
She turned to face where Draco and Ash sat at and sighed.
The two looked really happy with each other.
'At least Potter won't hurt you Drakie. It's the only good thing coming out of this' thought the girl.
As the day went on soon the time neared where she would have to get the plan in motion .
She kept on walking until.
"Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!" She heard the distant screams and explosions start to go off.
She turned around and saw students of all ages rushing in.
"Go to your dorm rooms and stay in until we say so." Shouted McGonagall as she and some other professors tan outside.
The last thing Pansy saw and heard before she ran was McGonagall turn to Hermione and say,
"Take them to the room."
Pansy ran until she had reached the room with the statue that lead to the secret passageway.
She took off her Slytherin tie and cloak and shirt and put on the ones Hermione had left one time they hung out for some night time activities. She  also took out the potion and a couple strands of Hermione's hair that she had gotten from her hair brush, and slipped them inside the vial and drank it immediately.
She took out a mirror from her bag and saw not Pansy Parkinson but Hermione Granger.
She turned to look at the statue as it moved to the side to revel Ginny and Austin.
"I know where they may be located at." Was the first thing Pansy said to them and watched and listened in horror as Ginny said they will do.
"Now then, take us to where my future husband is at.

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