I'm Sorry

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Okay quick authors note I will start dating the days in this story cause I'm getting confused. And also trigger warnings. This chap may include subjects of self harm and cutting. So if you are sensitive about this then you probably shouldn't read this.Another thing imma- never mind I'll leave you in suspense at what I was going to say.
November 21 1996
Hermione's POV
When Harry came back from talking to Harry he sat down next to me. "Hey Harry how'd it go?" I asked.
"He did what?!"
The entire Great Hall turned to look at the Slytherin table, where Pansy, Blaise and Damien had shouted.
They kept talking as if they didn't notice but Draco clearly did. Ron turned to me.
"Well mate, I can tell you two things. One you should stay away from Pansy, two it went bad."
"Hehe, well not bad bad, just not too good." He mumbled rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.
I giggled .
Harry's POV
"Harry did you do it though. I mean call it quits?" Asked Hermione.
I looked down. "Yeah..." I said. "It was all moving to fast for me. It may not have been for...past Harry. But for me it was."
Hermione grabbed my hands in hers and brought them to her cheeks leaning her face on them. "Harry..." She stared at me. "You did the right thing."
"Yeah, thanks mione."
I was a bit shocked at what she did. Wasn't she and Pansy in a relationship? Why would she do that? Does she-? No she did that to comfort me. Which is what I need now.
Hermione's POV
November, 28 1996
"-I mean couldn't Harry have seen that Draco loves him, and has loved him since who knows when?!" Pansy continues her endless rant about Harry breaking up with Draco. It has been getting more annoying and worse each day, so much that Harry is kinda afraid to be with her.
Me and Pansy had started dating on the twenty-third after she wouldn't shut up so I had to...you know shut her up another way.;)
"C'mon Pans, Drake has told you countless of times that he is okay. I mean, look at them. They are getting along so much better than before." I said.
"Yeah but-" she started.
"No buts missy. They are happy now and sooner or later they'll be back together." I Said clearly getting irritated.
"Yeah well you only see how he acts around Harry and you guys! But me and Blaise have caught him cutting!" She Shouted.
"Wha-" she cut me off.
"So you should stop going to Harry's side about this and help me and Blaise get Draco back together. There are more important things than Harry so-"
"Yeah there are tons of more important thing than Harry, like our relationship! All you have been doing is ranting on about how much you hate Harry, and how Harry's stupid, and Draco and Harry's non-existence relationship. They are friends and you should be happy they at least are friends. As for us I don't think we can work this out. You are just to involved in their relationship that you have forgotten about ours! I know that we barely started dating but you should at least give me some of your time!" I snapped. I just...Ugh!
"Pansy, we're done." I Said putting minds up and stepping back from her. "We're History. I'd like for us to stay friends but, you are just so involved in Harry and Draco's, whatever they have that you have forgotten about me! I know this sounds selfish but I have feelings too, and it hurts me to see involved in others peoples life than yours of your girlfriend's."
She just stood there rooted to the spot in the middle of the hall.
"I'm sorry." Was all I said then I ran.
I ran and ran until I got to Gryffindor tower. I was about to say the password when the door flung open and threw me off balance.
"Oh my god, Hermione I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Asked the voice.
I was so filled with emotions that I lost complete control of my actions and started crying.
The person who belonged to the voice came down and dragged me into a embrace. I sobbed into their shoulder and let it all out.
"Hey, hey it's going to be alright." Soothed the voice.
I looked up and saw the one person that I knew will always be there for me from here on out.

So, who do you think is the mystery person. Also me and NavaLOL had an en conversation/ argument on what will happen in this story so props to her. Thank you once again, all of you for reading and liking my story. 58k reads, wow! I never thought I'd make it this far. Thank you!

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