The First Memory

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Harry's POV

I started taking the potion that Snape gave me and so far nothing. Well not nothing I just... ugh. I just feel like there's an empty hole in my heart waiting to be re-filled.
During meals whenever I see Draco talking to another boy from Slytherin I feel like walking over there and grab Draco and kiss in front of the school.
That night when I went to bed I started to feel happy. Extremely happy.
It took me awhile to finally fall asleep. It always dose.
But when I finally did I felt a pull in my chest and then complete darkness... then light.
I saw a bright cottage house with the lights on. I walked inside and saw a baby me crawling around with...with Padfoot running after me.
My mom was baking chocolate chip cookies with Wormtail. I had forgotten that he used to be friends with my parents and then back stabbed them. My dad and Remus were talking about what to get my mum for her birthday.
"Honestly Moony, have you met the woman she has everything!" Whispered my Dad.
"Yeah because as soon as you two got out of Hogwarts you literally showered her in presents. And even more when she was pregnant." Laughed Moony.
By this time Padfoot had turned back to Sirius and was carrying me.
"How's my little Bambi doing huh?" Cooed Sirius.
I laughed.
I walked into the kitchen and saw my mother baking cookies.
"Honestly Peter I feel if James is alway showering me in gifts and that I can never re-pay him." Said my mom. My heart aced.
To see them, my mom, dad and the Marauders altogether acting like if there's no care in the world.
"Honestly Lily, I feel like if you and Prongs should talk a lot more. I can bet you ten galleons that James is out there talking to Remus about this exact same thing." Said Peter.
And as much as I hated to say it, he's right.
"I know, I hope that when Harry has a girlfriend , or boyfriend he and she or him take their time to talk things out before they jump into their relationship. Or that they know each other a lot."
"Yeah." Agreed Peter.
My mum has a point. Me and Draco should talk a lot more until we continue our relationship. Maybe we should stay as friends for the time being.
Hiiiii. How's it been. Hehe, imma have Harry sorta kinda friend-zone Draco. I was going to have them get back together in this chapter, but NavaLOL said that it will be too quick. So she is my co-writer and adviser so imma listen to her. Bye!!!

Getting Along (MOMENTARILY DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ