The Potion

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Credits for this chapter go to NavaLOL for helping me come up with this and last chapter.
Ginny's POV
Malfoy. Everything that's happened so far has been his fault. My parents disowning me. Him. Me losing the trust of my friends. Him. And me losing the love of my life. HIM!
But that will all come to an end. "This love potion will be the thing that will make Harry love me again. Muhaha."
Bella's POV
As I was going to make a turn around an empty classroom. I heard a familiar voice.
"This love potion will be the thing that will make Harry love me again. Muhaha."
Love potion?!
Shit! Harry's in danger.
I sprinted to the Great Hall, but no one was there.
I kept looking around and spotted Draco sitting by himself in the Slytherin table. Then I saw Damien and Lucy talking to each other at the Slytherin table.
"Draco, Damien, Lucy, I need to have a word with you." I Said.
"What's it about?" Asked Draco.
"Ginny." I swear to Merlin I saw anger show on his face at the mention of her name.
"What's she up to now?" Asked Lucy.
"Shes going to try to put a love potion in Harry's drink." I Said.
"No. no." Repeated Draco. "She's going to steal him."
"No she's not. But Harry's still in danger. She's never been able to brew a potion correctly. Who knows what she made." I said.
While we were talking we didn't notice that Ginny already slipped the potion in Harry's cup.
A minute later, Harry , Hermione, mRon and Neville came in I ran to where they were at to tell them to not drink their pumpkin juice but it was too late.
Harry drank it.
Ginny stood up and walked over to them.
"Hey Harry, how are you?" She asked 'seductively' to him.
Harry snarled at her.
"I was doing just fine before you came along." He snarled.
I heard Lucy and Damien say. "Oh shit."
"H-Harry what are you talking about?" She asked.
"That I want you out of my life."
"Guys, I think I know what happened. Ginevra, it appears that you made a hate potion, not a love potion. So now Harry hates you even more." I Said in my 'monotone' voice.
She started panting like a crazy animal.
She slapped me across my face and left without a word.
As soon as she left Draco jumped into Harry's arms and sobbed into his chest saying that he was terrified that Ginny was going to take him from him.
After awhile Professor Snape, McGonagal and Professor Dumbeldore came over and took Harry to the infirmary. Draco stayed behind and said.
"Thanks, I knew I should've trusted you. I quest I was to caught up in having you guys fallowing us around."
"No problem." I Said and we joined everyone else in the infirmary.
"So Mr Potter's conditions are simple. He will simply hate Miss... Ginevra." I nearly laughed at that. I forgot that her parents disowned her so she's no longer a Weasley.
"The affects will subside in a month or so." Explained Madam Promfrey.
"Good day." She said and we left.
"Well this is one heck of a way to start the week." Said Lucy.
"Yup." We all said.

So how did I do? Again credits go to NavaLOL for giving me the idea of this chapter. And the photo of the love potion isn't mine.
Bye! 🤗

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