The Kiss pt 2

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The next morning all of the students woke up very sad that their free and joyful life's as 'muggles' would end. But Pansy and Harry were more upset about the fact that they won't see their boyfriends that often.
"Remember love we'll meet each other in the Room of Requirements." Whispered Draco in Harry's ear.
"Yes love."
"Alright then how was your time here?" Asked Dumbledore walking through the door to their room.
"Great!" They all Said with identical smiles. At that time Professor Snape And McGonagall walked in shock clearly written on their faces.
"Yes Well then Slytherin follow me." Said Snape.
"Bye love." Said Draco turning to kiss his boyfriend.
"Bye Drake."
"Alright. Gryffindor follow me." Said McGonagall and the Gryffindors left.
Harry's POV
After we unpacked our stuff and changed we went down to breakfast. I was still kinda sad over the fact that I won't see Draco that often. I bet that's how Neville felt over Pansy saying how gloomy he looked.
I kept thinking about Draco that I didn't hear someone calling my name.
"Harry!" I turned.
"Oh, hi Ginny." I say.
"Oh Harry, I felt so sorry for you guys having to spend all that time with those Slytherins." She pouted  grabbing on my arm her boobs sandwiching my arm.
God did I want to push her off. But I couldn't telling how she's Rons sister .
"Hey Gin you know not all of them are bad. The lot we got stuck with was actually nice." I snapped.
"Oh sorry..." she said but I could tell that she didn't mean it. "Hey... Harry..."
"Hmm you say something-" But I couldn't finish since her bloody lips covered my own. She's fucking kissing me.
"...Harry...?" Oh shit. I push her off and she fell to the floor.
"Harry what- oh Malfoy would you mind leaving me and my Harry alone." Why that son of a bitch.
"Draco. I swear to Merlin."
"No it's okay you- don't worry Weasley you can have him." And he ran.
"Draco! No! Come back!"  I start to run after him but feel a tug on my arm.
"Come on Harry we can go back to-"
"Ginny you know what! Shut the fuck up! And stay the fuck away from me!" I shout and chase after Draco.
Draco's POV
Why? Why did he do this? Was it just some sick joke? What about Pansy was Neville in this too.
"Draco! Wait! I can explain!"
Oh Harry. Why you broke my heart. I run faster.
I just want to end it all. The Astronomy tower!
I run up to there and get prepared to jump when I feel a pair of strong arms close around my waist.
"Draco please don't." He sobbed.
"Why?" I asked. "Why'd you cheat on me?! Was this a sick joke. Mess around with my feelings then dump me by snogging the Weasley girl."
"What no. Drake. Please. She's the one who kissed me. I never wanted that to happen. The only person I want to kiss or to kiss me, is you Draco." So she's the one who kissed my Harry. I'm so gonna kill her.
"Drake please forgive me. If you jump I'll jump too."
Oh Harry. Nothing will ever make me stop loving him.
"I forgive you. Just promise me something."
"Anything love."
"Stay away from the Weasley girl." I Said turning around to kiss him.
"I promise. And I'll make sure Ron knows about what she did."
"Alright love." I say.
"Say do you still want to go to the Room of Requirements?" He asked.
"What about classes?" I asked. And an dangerously sexy smirk spread across his face.
"What's one day without classes gonna hurt."
God I loved this stupid Gryffindor.
"Well then what are we waiting for?" I asked.

A/N: hehe it wasn't an end for this story my friends. I still have a lot in store for you guys.

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