He's Mine

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Ginny POV

We had just had another meeting with the inner circle of Death Eaters. They still don't know my true identity, Lucius still makes me wear that mask. So far to them all I am known as Ruby. I miss being my old beautiful self, to be fare who wouldn't? Once the meeting was finished we separated, and I entered the room I was staying in. I just wish I could finally see Harry again, that stupid Draco has him under a spell. After we attacked the festival, I've been wanting to attack again, but everyone else thought it foolish to go there without a plan or a  motive, other than a "little girl angry at her boyfriend". They can be so stupid at times. I look around the room, the only thing here is a bed. Most of the time I think about Harry or the next attack, mostly Harry. I just can't wait until Harry puts those soft, sweet lips on mine. Harry and me were destined to be together, nothing will get in our way. Not my stupid family, not the stupid Hogwarts spy squad, not even that brainwashing Draco. I will do anything and everything for me and Harry to be together, even killing someone! 


I was walking to the hallway, and I couldn't stop myself from looking for Draco. I haven't seen him since the morning, and my heart pumps faster just thinking about him. I know I shouldn't feel like this, because Harry and Draco are together, but I can't help it. If Draco is happy, I'm happy, even if it means we can't  be anything but friends. I sigh, why am I looking for Draco if we aren't anything but friends? I started to walk towards the library, I needed to study for the test coming up in Potions. Once I sat down I got out a quill  and paper, I couldn't focus, all I could think about was Draco. I started to rethink about what happened in the morning. Why did Draco push off Harry's arm? Was it because they weren't together anymore? Are the going to break up? That means I could have a chance with Draco, me and Draco can be more than just friends. I felt my cheeks redden as I think about how Draco could be mine. Draco could be mine....

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