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Clarabella's POV
Halloween was right around the corner and being a half-blood I am quite excited.
But... I can't say the same for my other three friends.
Even though I can appear to be calm and put together. On Halloween I always end up with a sugar rush.
I was walking to charms when someone mumbled a curse and everything went black.
3 hours later
As I was waking up I saw the blurred silhouettes of people floating above me. I heard their hushed voices as they spoke around me.
"Guys, she's up." I heard one voice say.
Then another said: "Thank Merlin that she's alive."
As my eyes adjusted to the sudden light I saw that the people in front of me were, Juliet, Damien, Lucy, Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy, Ron, Blaise, and Neville.
I sat up a little and asked them what happened.
"Well that's the thing. We don't know what happened." Answered Damien honestly.
"I bet it's Ginny." Sneered Harry.
"Why would She go after Bella?" Asked Hermione.
"To be fair she did kinda 'spoiled' her plans on making Harry fall in love with her." Said Lucy.
We kept talking for awhile longer on why Ginny might have come after me, then Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape came in.
"Ah, Miss Davis, it's nice to see that you're awake." Greeted Dumbledore.
I just nodded back.
"Fortunately, we found the person who placed whatever curse she placed on you. It was Miss W-Ginny."
Nobody seemed shocked.
"We can not stand it anymore. She is putting herself and others in danger. We are afraid that we have to expel her." Said Professor McGonagall.
Now at that we gasped.
"Your parents will receive a letter informing them of what has happened, Ron." Said Dumbledore.
"Thank you sir." He said.
"Thank you sir." We all repeated.
With that, they left.
We were silent for awhile before Juliet decided to break it.
"So who's excited for Halloween?"
We all laughed.
Draco's POV
After we made sure that Clarabella was okay me and Harry left.
"So, we're finally going to be able to feel safe being together, aren't we Harry?" I asked leaning into him.
"Yeah. We finally are." He said smiling.
We kept walking until we reached the black lake outside of Hogwarts.
We stayed silent for awhile. Enjoying the beauty of life and having someone to love.
"So... Halloween? You excited?" I asked.
All Harry could do was laugh, until I joined him too.

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