Arosing Conflicts

Start from the beginning

Junior's mouth became slightly dry at the sound of it. Lately, his dreams consisted of four constant visions. Fernando beating him, Shank's game of Russian roulette, the hunt for Troy, and the envelope of money that was stashed in his room. His mind couldn't stop creating scenarios as he sat glued to the back seat of Man Killa's Chevrolet Chevelle.

What if they found out you helped Troy escape somehow? What if they kill the both of you for it? What if they knew your relations with Troy all along? Or what if this was all just one of Sincere's many tests? What if Troy was cooperating to see how deep your loyalty was? His conscience questioned him until Killa's voice interrupted the heated conversation he held in his thoughts.

" Sincere didn't tell me much but I think he wants to talk to you about the situation at the club."

" The club?"

" Yeah, that's what I said wasn't it? Last night Shank went on a little so-called mission and found out that Troy could possibly be in cahoots with this bartender at Limelight... so therefore he may have not been there the night we were, but he's still not off the hook. Especially since Shank suspects that the bartender is a Skelator." She told him, glancing in the rearview for a split second as they arrived to their destination.

This situation just seemed to get worse for Troy as the days went by. " So did he go back to the club for this so-called bartender slash Skelator? "

" Look all I know is that for some reason the man is only there either Fridays or Saturdays." She eyed him with risen brows as if she was on to something before the door opened suddenly.

" You're late." Shank stated as he glared at his girlfriend then Junior. "Nice fit Little Boy Blue, or is it Little Bo Peep?" He teased with a smirk as he eyed Junior's blue and white suit.

The both of them rolled their eyes at his corny insults. " Oh shut up and leave him alone, where is Sincere?" She pushed passed him, ignoring his attempts to embrace her completely.

Shank clenched his jaw and rolled his eyes.
" Why you looking for him all of a sudden? Didn't you get enough visits from his ass these past few weeks?" He questioned bitterly causing Killa to stop walking to give him a side-eye.

" Don't start this shit with me, not right now. I was told to fetch Bullseye for him so where is he?" She proceeded walking until she turned the corner to see just who she was looking for.

Sincere remained in the other room, monitoring the workers intently as they handled the different drugs.

Junior had came here a total of five times now, and he still wasn't used to the pungent smells of the place, nor was he used to seeing so many naked women aside from his many playboy magazines.

Yet he still managed to play it off as he greeted the men who spoke to him with nods and the half-dressed or nude women with winks and smug smirks... until his eyes soon landed on Sincere as he glared at them with a look he couldn't fully decipher.

He became nervous all over again due to the possibility of Sincere knowing his little secret.

Without speaking a single word Sincere led the three towards his office, demanding that Killa and Shank stand outside the door to make sure no one interrupted. The door closed and Junior found himself holding his breath as he watched Sincere take a seat behind the desk.

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